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Sync Deletions??

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    Sync Deletions??

    I do not think this has been covered yet. It is a two part question: Person A has the desktop version of Reunion and the "MASTER" family file containing all relatives. Person B has an iPad and receives the "MASTER" file from Person A. Person C has an iPad and receives the "Master" file as well.

    Part A
    If person B deletes people who are not related to him, and person A syncs will that file, will those deleted people be removed from Person A's relatives and Person C's relatives. If Person C deletes people not related to him and you sync, will those people be removed from person A and person B?

    Part B
    Instead of person B and person C receiving the master file, they receive a subset "SUBSET B" and "SUBSET C" of just their own relatives.

    Person B and person C makes changes (no deletions required because everyone is a relative), can those changes be synced to the person A "MASTER" file or must "SUBSET B" be synced to the old "SUBSET B", the same for "SUBSET C"

    Is "SUBSET B" or "SUBSET C" can't sync to the "MASTER" how do get the changes over to the "MASTER" file?

    Re: Sync Deletions??

    Part A: People deleted from Person B's file will be deleted from Person A's master family when changes are synced. Those deletions will find their way to Person C's data when new data is sent back to C from the master family.

    The good news is that the iPad and iPhone versions of Reunion do not provide a quick way to delete a large number of people -- they have to be deleted one at a time. On the Macintosh version of Reunion you can delete many people very quickly.

    Part B: This is a much better way to go. Mark a subset of your master family and give it to Person B. Mark a different subset and give it to Person C. Changes and additions made on the two different subsets will get synced back to Person A's master family file.

    It sounds like part B is the better way to go.
    Gregg Witmer
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Re: Sync Deletions??

      Thanks Gregg, BUT there is something missing.

      I created SUNSET B, but it will NOT sync to MASTER, it must sync to SUNSET B. How does one get the synced changes from the iPad now in SUBSET B into the MASTER file?



        Re: Sync Deletions??


        I added my death in SUBSET B, synced that to SUBSET B and it showed up in both SUBSET B and MASTER files. Is this correct?

        The problem, I deleted my death on the iPad SUBSET B, synced to SUBSET B and it deleted it from SUNSET B but NOT MASTER. I had to delete it myself from MASTER. This doesn't seem correct?



          Re: Sync Deletions??

          Originally posted by Evan Horton View Post
          I created SUNSET B, but it will NOT sync to MASTER, it must sync to SUNSET B.
          It sounds like your SUBSET B is a separate family file from your master family file on your Macintosh. This was not what I was picturing.

          You should only have one family file on your Macintosh, your master family. Use marking (and possibly marked sets) to send subsets of your master family file to the iPads. Then sync all changes back to that one master family file.
          Gregg Witmer
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Re: Sync Deletions??

            Originally posted by Gregg View Post
            It sounds like your SUBSET B is a separate family file from your master family file on your Macintosh. This was not what I was picturing.

            You should only have one family file on your Macintosh, your master family. Use marking (and possibly marked sets) to send subsets of your master family file to the iPads. Then sync all changes back to that one master family file.
            Color me paranoid, but i'm hyper protective when it comes to my master file. To update it i require a list of changes that I then manually enter.

            The process (which I'd love to see more automated) goes something like this:

            You ask for information.

            I send you a subset of my data (anything from one person to the entire file).

            You do whatever it is you're going to do.

            You return your subset, with changes.

            Keeping your returned subset totally separate, I find the changes you've made. (This would be a WONDERFUL place for automation (sort of like how Nisus and Word compare documents. In fact, that is one of the tools i use to find changes [create GEDCOMs; paste them into word processing documents; compare documents; work from the highlighted changes])

            I enter your changes manually. (Another action that could be automated.:: compare the two subsets; be presented with the differences one at a time. Accept or reject (or add as a note only); write a thank you note (With a list of what was added to the master file, or rejected (and why---as a courtesy)).

            Deal with change requests or queries.

            Last edited by Deb; 14 June 2013, 09:17 AM.
            STEVE, Reno, NV, USA


              Re: Sync Deletions??

              Originally posted by STEVE View Post
              Color me paranoid, but i'm hyper protective when it comes to my master file. To update it i require a list of changes that I then manually enter.

              The process (which I'd love to see more automated) goes something like this:........
              Good ideas, Steve. My process is much like yours less the Nisus comparison. I didn't know they were still around.
              Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
              Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
              iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                Re: Sync Deletions??

                Originally posted by STEVE View Post
                Color me paranoid, but i'm hyper protective when it comes to my master file. To update it i require a list of changes that I then manually enter.

                The process (which I'd love to see more automated) goes something like this:

                You ask for information.

                I send you a subset of my data (anything from one person to the entire file).

                You do whatever it is you're going to do.

                You return your subset, with changes.

                Keeping your returned subset totally separate, I find the changes you've made. (This would be a WONDERFUL place for automation (sort of like how Nisus and Word compare documents. In fact, that is one of the tools i use to find changes [create GEDCOMs; paste them into word processing documents; compare documents; work from the highlighted changes])

                I enter your changes manually. (Another action that could be automated.:: compare the two subsets; be presented with the differences one at a time. Accept or reject (or add as a note only); write a thank you note (With a list of what was added to the master file, or rejected (and why---as a courtesy)).

                Deal with change requests or queries.

                Steve, I'm not sure it will do what you want, but there is an app available on the Mac App Store that greatly simplifies comparison of files. I use it a lot for many purposes. It is called Visual Differ. Search for "Visual Differ App" (no quote marks) with Google and it will be the first item listed. You can then take a look at actual screen shots etc.
                John McGee Leggett, Jr.
                Late 2014 MacMini, MacOS Mojave 10.14.3, Reunion 12, Safari 12.0.3
                Leggett Booth McGee King Coulter Morton Ashley Douglas Ranard Maners

