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List all cemeteries

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    List all cemeteries

    Is it possible to get a list of the people that I have recorded with their known cemetery.
    I would like to visit a couple different cemeteries in the area and I would like a list of the people in the different ones.
    I found I could search and get a list of people, but can I print that list with the cemetery info?
    thanks for any help.

    Re: List all cemeteries


    If they're all in one county, click Find in the sidebar. Enter Cemetery Name "contains" the state name,

    add an AND and enter Cemetery Name "contains" the county name.

    Click Find, and you get a list of people buried in the cemeteries in that county.

    Now, click the yellow List window icon at the bottom of the page.

    That gives you names, birth dates, and death dates.

    Click on the black up-down arrow at the right of death dates. It will give you the chance to choose a different field. Choose Burial Place.

    Now, click on the little blue icon at th bottom of the report, and it allows you to save it as a a text file.



      Re: List all cemeteries

      It there a way to list all of the cemeteries. I seem to remember there being a Report that included all cemeteries with a list of people buried in each cemetery.
      Tom Boyd


        Re: List all cemeteries

        Originally posted by thboyd View Post
        It there a way to list all of the cemeteries. I seem to remember there being a Report that included all cemeteries with a list of people buried in each cemetery.
        Here are a couple of ways, each gives different amounts of information depending on your needs.

        To see just a list of cemeteries in your data base with the option to see who in your data base is buried in any single cemetery:
        Select Places in the Sidebar.
        Then at the top of the list of places in the righthand sidebar enter the search word "cemetery" (without quotes).
        This gives you a sorted list of cemetery places.
        Then click on one of the cemetery places to see who is shown buried there.

        To see a complete list of all persons in your database who are buried in all cemeteries in your database:
        Show People in the right-side sidebar.
        Select Find in the upper-left sidebar and search for burial place contains "cemetery" (without quotes).
        Then pop the Results list (righthand sidebar) out as a separate List window.
        Add a column (or change an existing column) to show Burial Place as a column.
        Sort the list by Burial Place.
        Now your results list of people is sorted by burial cemetery name and showing the persons buried in all your cemeteries per your database.

        This latter approach would appear to be closer to what you seek.
        Byron Spoon


          Re: List all cemeteries

          Originally posted by ByronSpoon View Post
          Select Find in the upper-left sidebar and search for burial place contains "cemetery" (without quotes).
          Just one suggestion; I think it would be better, at least in some circumstances, to search with "Burial Place" "Is Not" "". (That is, the burial place is not blank.)

          This will catch those whose burial place doesn't include the word cemetery. (St. Peter's Basilica, Cimeti
          Last edited by Dennis J. Cunniff; 20 July 2013, 12:59 PM.
          Dennis J. Cunniff
          Click here to email me


            Re: List all cemeteries

            Yes, I had already used the second approach but with burial place as "not" blank, as in Dennis' suggestion. What I remember from several years ago, though, was a "report" that had the Cemetery name in a larger, bold font as a heading and then a list of burials in that cemetery. I remember using this list when I visited cemeteries.
            Tom Boyd


              Re: List all cemeteries

              Originally posted by thboyd View Post
              ...What I remember from several years ago, though, was a "report" that had the Cemetery name in a larger, bold font as a heading and then a list of burials in that cemetery....
              Yes, in Reunion 9 and earlier that "report" was achieved via List>Places>Burial. For better or worse things are different in Reunion 10.
              Byron Spoon


                Re: List all cemeteries

                Thank you all for your replies.


                  Re: List all cemeteries

                  Originally posted by Paul Luning View Post

                  If they're all in one county, click Find in the sidebar. Enter Cemetery Name "contains" the state name,

                  add an AND and enter Cemetery Name "contains" the county name.

                  Click Find, and you get a list of people buried in the cemeteries in that county.

                  Now, click the yellow List window icon at the bottom of the page.

                  That gives you names, birth dates, and death dates.

                  Click on the black up-down arrow at the right of death dates. It will give you the chance to choose a different field. Choose Burial Place.

                  Now, click on the little blue icon at th bottom of the report, and it allows you to save it as a a text file.

                  You say to use the field "Cemetery Name" in the search. Where is this field? We have been putting the cemetery name in the "Burial Memo" field. Have we been doing it wrong??

                  thanks !!


                    Re: List all cemeteries

                    Originally posted by Paul Luning View Post

                    If they're all in one county, click Find in the sidebar. Enter Cemetery Name "contains" the state name,

                    add an AND and enter Cemetery Name "contains" the county name.

                    Click Find, and you get a list of people buried in the cemeteries in that county.

                    Now, click the yellow List window icon at the bottom of the page.

                    That gives you names, birth dates, and death dates.

                    Click on the black up-down arrow at the right of death dates. It will give you the chance to choose a different field. Choose Burial Place.

                    Now, click on the little blue icon at th bottom of the report, and it allows you to save it as a a text file.

                    Paul, when I click Find, I don't see an option for Cemetery Name. Where should I be looking?



                      Re: List all cemeteries

                      As noted earlier, I have listed 'Burial' as a geographical location of 'city --> County --> State --> country' (i.e., Smithville, Washington,Tennessee, USA) with the actual cemetery name entered in the 'Memo' field'.

                      Reunion 10 appears to use 'Burial' in the 'Events' field but that selection doesn't appear to be available in the 'Find' fields. I've made several attempts to generate a burial report, using 'events --> burial place' but with no success. Should I have entered burial as 'Cherokee Cemetery, Washington, Tennessee, USA' and thereby adding this as a separate 'Location' field?

                      I didn't realize I should have considered the actual cemetery to be a geographical location, although it now appears that that may be the key to this report. I sure hope I don't have to re-visit 25,000 entries to correct my burial locations...

                      Can those who have been successful help me out?



                        Re: List all cemeteries

                        I have found a partial workaround after some experimentation. Using the 'Find --> Conditions --> Events --> Burial Memo -- Contains --> then enter the desired standardized name of the cemetery' and voila - a listing is produced. I did find that the search is limited to 25 characters, so one has to be judicious in its use.

                        One disturbing thing I noted is that I found multiple names that I had listed that were the same cemetery. So - I had to correct those that I could find by limiting my search feature. That is - instead of listing the search field as 'Bethesda Methodist Cemetery' or other similar names, I just listed 'Bethesda' and all those with Bethesda in the Memo field were noted in the list produced. It was then a matter of going to all those folks and entering a standard 'Bethesda Methodist Cemetery' . A bit awkward, but it should work.

                        Does anyone know if Leicester recommends making a cemetery a specific place?


                          Re: List all cemeteries

                          Originally posted by sgtbob View Post
                          As noted earlier, I have listed 'Burial' as a geographical location of 'city --> County --> State --> country' (i.e., Smithville, Washington,Tennessee, USA) with the actual cemetery name entered in the 'Memo' field'.

                          Reunion 10 appears to use 'Burial' in the 'Events' field but that selection doesn't appear to be available in the 'Find' fields. I've made several attempts to generate a burial report, using 'events --> burial place' but with no success. Should I have entered burial as 'Cherokee Cemetery, Washington, Tennessee, USA' and thereby adding this as a separate 'Location' field?

                          I didn't realize I should have considered the actual cemetery to be a geographical location, although it now appears that that may be the key to this report. I sure hope I don't have to re-visit 25,000 entries to correct my burial locations...

                          Can those who have been successful help me out?

                          Since you put the name of the cemeteries in the memo field of the BURIAL EVENT, you have discovered the hard way that the memo field is a poor choice to put such information.

                          Although it seems you have found a partial workaround to your problem, I recommend that you bite the bullet and move the cemetery names into the LOCATION field of the burial event. And why not? It is, after all, a location! I have even gone so far as to list the PLOT and SECTION NUMBER (if known) within the cemetery. Essentially it becomes that person
                          RESEARCHING: FRIESLAND (Holland); NEW BRUNSWICK (Canada); Maine, NYS & NJ (USA)


                            Re: List all cemeteries

                            [QUOTE=AE Palmer;38559]Since you put the name of the cemeteries in the memo field of the BURIAL EVENT, you have discovered the hard way that the memo field is a poor choice to put such information.
                            Although it seems you have found a partial workaround to your problem, I recommend that you bite the bullet and move the cemetery names into the LOCATION field of the burial event. And why not? It is, after all, a location! I have even gone so far as to list the PLOT and SECTION NUMBER (if known) within the cemetery. Essentially it becomes that person


                              Re: List all cemeteries

                              Originally posted by genealogist.lily View Post
                              I use the burial memo field for the name of the cemetery (and the location of the plot if I have it.) I don't like putting the cemetery name into "Death Place" because it makes a hash of my place listings. So I make sure the word "cemetery" is always present in the Memo Field. For example, Woodlawn Cemetery works on it's own, but Roselawn Gardens is recorded as Cemetery: Roselawn Gardens. To list all cemeteries - Find > Burial Memo Field > Cemetery - works.
                              I concur that I would like to keep my Places as clean as possible, so I have refrained from adding a cemetery as a place - as of now, but may change later.

                              With regard to your Find --> Burial Memo Field --> Cemetery, I seem to be unable to replicate it. Here is what I have set up: Find > Burial Memo > Contains > Cherokee > find. Then, for reasons I am unable to discern, I sometimes have to click on the small 'x' in the upper right hand corner of the result bearing the entry 'last name, first name' (can't figure how to change that) or make the selection of 'people' under the down arrow, which produces a listing of the people buried in that cemetery. If I select any other search (is, is not, etc) the search returns 'There are no matches' even though I have 67 burials in Cherokee 1 and 5 in Cherokee 2.

                              What I would like to see is a list of the cemeteries containing the 'Cherokee' name so I can see if I have more than one 'cherokee' entry. Thus far it appears that the only selector's available under the procedure produces people but not the cemeteries I had hoped for.

                              At least with your method, I can get a listing of those folks buried in a specific cemetery if the search name is less than 25 characters.

