A large number of the families in my database have a coat of arms (family crest). For the time being, I have 302 coats of arms (visible on the page http://famille.dardel.info/blasons/Blasons.php). I would like to include the individual coats of arms to all persons having one. Today I made a trial, including a picture of the CoA in the multimedia section of Reunion, but I am not happy with the result. When exporting to a web project, Reunion makes JPG copies of the CoA for each individual. In my trial, I have already 19 copies of one of these. I would prefer to have only one copy in the web project and to link individuals to that copy. I could do that for instance in a specific field of the database, but I am not sure what field to use. Create a new field? Use a flag?
The coats of arms are in SVG format, but if there is no other way I could convert them to PNGs, although I would prefer not to; there will be enough to do in creating the links for each person...
I am anxiously waiting for brilliant ideas in this respect...
The coats of arms are in SVG format, but if there is no other way I could convert them to PNGs, although I would prefer not to; there will be enough to do in creating the links for each person...
I am anxiously waiting for brilliant ideas in this respect...