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Removed source still shows in usage report

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    Removed source still shows in usage report

    1. I want to totally Remove an event Source from all cards and then Delete it. So I first obtain the Usage Report for that Source.

    2. 10 persons have that Source so I progressively check each occurrence (because I sometimes need to transfer inserted data elsewhere) before Removal.

    3. I progressively Remove the Source from each Person card (wherever it appears) and hit DONE each time.

    4. I then return to Sources Sidebar.

    5. But when I rerun the Usage Report (before I finally Delete the Source itself) all 10 Persons return (ie, are again listed) in the new report.

    6. Returning to each Person card, the Source is not found.

    7. Rerun the Usage report and the Person is again listed

    PS: Could there be some "hidden Events" (not properly coded but carrying this source number) due to poor translation from an imported gedcom file? If so, how might they be found?

    Thanks. PS, details: OSX 10.7.5. Reunion 10.0.6.
    Last edited by Gordon Watson; 14 October 2013, 10:18 AM. Reason: Details added
    SURNAMES - UK, AUS: Bourne Boyd Bull Corderoy Hicks Hyland Littley Mackie Stewart Stone Watson

    Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

    I don't know if there's a way for a source citation to hide the way you've asked, but I have had sources I couldn't track down until I had opened a person's edit person window, looked at the sources in the Name tab, opened the Events tab and clicked on each event separately, and then repeated for the Facts tab and the Notes tab. If you've already done this completely, then I'm afraid I have nothing else to suggest other than to try rebuilding the cache files.
    Last edited by Frank; 14 October 2013, 01:22 PM.
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics


      Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

      Gordon Watson.
      Not sure if this is the appropriate place but, I have a WATSON family in Australia and need some info.
      I don't see an email address, so please contact me if you wish on -

      Thanks Noel.
      Noel Fields Australia
      email > <
      Researching Fields, Majewski, Watson, Hurwood, Parker.


        Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

        1. Many thanks TIM; problem solved as follows:

        A: On the Notes page (for two Persons), found small miscellaneous note headings in the left-hand column (ie, AKA, *New[MDC]) which had the Source in the note field.

        B: Removed them, hit DONE, and saw each name disappear from the Source Usage list.

        C: On remaining eight names, could find no place (anywhere) for the Source number to hide, so Deleted Source because (so far) these Persons are not yet proven to be related to me.

        2. Hi NOEL; message sent; hope I can help!

        3. Thanks Reunion10!
        SURNAMES - UK, AUS: Bourne Boyd Bull Corderoy Hicks Hyland Littley Mackie Stewart Stone Watson


          Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

          Originally posted by Gordon Watson View Post
          C: On remaining eight names, could find no place (anywhere) for the Source number to hide, so Deleted Source because (so far) these Persons are not yet proven to be related to me.
          Based on my own experience of removing source numbers, for these eight, the source number was probably 'buried' on one of the marriage notes or events fields.
          Peter Cook
          Rossmoyne, Western Australia
          OSX 10.13.6 & iOS 12.4.6; Reunion 12.0 [200602];ReunionTouch 1.0.15


            Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

            Originally posted by Peter Cook View Post
            Based on my own experience of removing source numbers, for these eight, the source number was probably 'buried' on one of the marriage notes or events fields.
            Oops, I failed the completeness exercise! You're exactly right. The easiest way to access this might be to go to the top menu and select Edit->Family.
            Tim Lundin
            Heartland Family Graphics


              Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

              Originally posted by Peter Cook View Post
              Based on my own experience of removing source numbers, for these eight, the source number was probably 'buried' on one of the marriage notes or events fields.
              Thanks Peter. Our experience appears to be similar: Successfully finding Sources located on "difficult to find" notes.

              BUT, having learnt that (and being then determined to succeed), I checked those places on the "eight" ... with no success.

              Originally posted by ttl View Post
              Oops, I failed the completeness exercise! You're exactly right. The easiest way to access this might be to go to the top menu and select Edit->Family.
              Tim, please elaborate. I take it that your method brings the "marriage note" into play routinely (which is good). But it's not clear to me that your proposal is "the general fix" for "my" problem. Reason:- I surmised that if a Source was "hidden" on a marriage note THEN both persons would be in the Source-usage-list. (Though I checked the marriage notes for "the eight" just in case.)

              PS: An interesting (and presumed to be unrelated) aside:- If you have a Person-page open AND you delete a Source that is on that Person-page, the descriptive Source-title disappears BUT the Source-number remains! It too disappears when you move to another page (and sneak back ... just to be sure).
              SURNAMES - UK, AUS: Bourne Boyd Bull Corderoy Hicks Hyland Littley Mackie Stewart Stone Watson


                Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                Originally posted by Gordon Watson View Post
                Tim, please elaborate. I take it that your method brings the "marriage note" into play routinely (which is good). But it's not clear to me that your proposal is "the general fix" for "my" problem. Reason:- I surmised that if a Source was "hidden" on a marriage note THEN both persons would be in the Source-usage-list. (Though I checked the marriage notes for "the eight" just in case.)
                No, this would definitely not be "the general fix." It's just a way to reach "one more place to check," since family data is segregated from person data. A source used only for marriage data will not show up in a person's edit view even though both people in the marriage will be listed in the source' usage report (per your surmise).
                Last edited by ttl; 16 October 2013, 06:52 PM.
                Tim Lundin
                Heartland Family Graphics


                  Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                  Originally posted by Gordon Watson View Post
                  Thanks Peter. Our experience appears to be similar: Successfully finding Sources located on "difficult to find" notes.

                  BUT, having learnt that (and being then determined to succeed), I checked those places on the "eight" ... with no success.
                  A roundabout method of tracing a


                    Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                    [QUOTE=John Hill;39209]A roundabout method of tracing a
                    Roger Moffat


                      Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                      Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
                      If the field that this "hidden" source is attached to doesn't have a GEDCOM tag associated with it in the Field Preferences, then that field won't be exported to the GEDCOM file.


                      At least such a field would not have been imported into the OP's family file in a GEDCOM :-)

                      Nor would it be likely to be visible in any View unless specifically included from the list of fields? Could be that it is really hidden!
                      Last edited by John Hill; 19 October 2013, 06:35 AM. Reason: Amplification and improvement


                        Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                        Originally posted by John Hill View Post

                        At least such a field would not have been imported into the OP's family file in a GEDCOM :-)

                        Nor would it be likely to be visible in any View unless specifically included from the list of fields? Could be that it is really hidden!
                        As we're in Wish-List territory, I wonder: Can I already make a "list of fields in use" or is that a wish?

                        The reason I ask is this: The field "alias/AKA" (and others) MUST have come into my data from a GEDCOM.

                        So if I could find "list of fields in use", these odd fields would appear. THEY could then be searched for and fixed/eliminated.

                        By way of analogy, from my standard (wonderful) "list of sources" or "list of places" such errors from imports can be readily spotted.
                        SURNAMES - UK, AUS: Bourne Boyd Bull Corderoy Hicks Hyland Littley Mackie Stewart Stone Watson


                          Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                          Originally posted by Gordon Watson View Post
                          As we're in Wish-List territory, I wonder: Can I already make a "list of fields in use" or is that a wish?
                          Go to Reunion Preferences -> Fields -> Usage
                          Byron Spoon


                            Re: Removed source still shows in usage report

                            Originally posted by ByronSpoon View Post
                            Go to Reunion Preferences -> Fields -> Usage
                            Many thanks, Byron; just what the doctor wanted! (Though I could have done without the shock result!!) Thank you, too, Reunion.
                            SURNAMES - UK, AUS: Bourne Boyd Bull Corderoy Hicks Hyland Littley Mackie Stewart Stone Watson

