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Multiple marriages to same spouse

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    Multiple marriages to same spouse

    Is there some way to enter the info for someone who married the same person more than once. I have a couple of cases like this. In one case, I simply entered the spouse a second time and added the second marriage date. But that seems a bit cumbersome to me and I hope there's a better way to do this. I just found another lady who married the same husband twice and I'd rather not do this time what I did before. Help.:-)


    Re: Multiple marriages to same spouse

    Originally posted by griffee View Post
    Is there some way to enter the info for someone who married the same person more than once...
    Yes. When a couple (i.e., Tom and Sue) re-marries, follow these steps...

    1. Open your family file to the family card showing Tom and Sue as a couple.

    2. Then, select "Add Spouse from the Index" from the Add menu (the "+") above Sue's name.

    3. Next, drag Tom's name from the Index window onto his name on the current family card.

    4. You should be asked if you want to add "Tom" as the spouse of "Sue." Since you do, click Add.

    Additional information on how to add an existing spouse to a person can be found in your manual by searching for "add existing spouse." To access the manual, open your family file and choose Help -> Contents.

    Originally posted by griffee View Post
    In one case, I simply entered the spouse a second time and added the second marriage date.
    Incidentally, you may want to consider deleting that family card and re-linking them using the method suggested above.

    To delete a family card, go to the family card in question. Then, choose Change -> Delete -> This Family Card and click Proceed.

    Another option would be to use Reunion's Match and Merge feature to merge those two records into one. Information on how to use Match and Merge can be found in your manual by searching for "match merge."

    I hope you find this information helpful:-)
    Last edited by Deb; 16 October 2013, 01:56 PM.
    Deb Stuller
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Multiple marriages to same spouse


      This method does NOT work with version 10.0.6. I have tried multiple times to add the same spouse twice due to divorce and remarriage to the same persons. The program does NOT allow you to drag and drop the same person on top of him/herself when you use "Add Spouse From Sidebar." Do you have another way of creating multiple marriage entries for the same husband and wife? I know I did this in the past in an older version, but it appears that the must current version will not support this.



        Re: Multiple marriages to same spouse

        Originally posted by INPowerMac View Post

        This method does NOT work with version 10.0.6. I have tried multiple times to add the same spouse twice due to divorce and remarriage to the same persons. The program does NOT allow you to drag and drop the same person on top of him/herself when you use "Add Spouse From Sidebar." Do you have another way of creating multiple marriage entries for the same husband and wife? I know I did this in the past in an older version, but it appears that the must current version will not support this.

        Deb included an explanation for Reunion 10 in this thread from a few months ago:

        Tim Lundin
        Heartland Family Graphics

