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file family files will not transfer to iPad

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    file family files will not transfer to iPad

    What am I doing wrong?

    I am attempting to sync my iPad w/my Mac and place a family file (Reunion 10.0.6) on the iPad. I have tried six(!!) times with no luck. (I have loaded the files in the past with no problem. I am trying to put my most up-to-date file on the iPad.)

    Here is what I have done (wirelessly)
    opened Reunion on each device
    clicked Sync on the iPad
    clicked File/Mobile Device menu on my Mac

    The transfer begins, but each time (6!) there is a fast start, but then the gears cease turning on the Mac and the blue line indicating progress freezes at less than 1/4 across. One of the times everything halted and the msg said "Reunion is no longer in sync."

    On the iPad, the gears keep spinning, but the blue line is barely visible.

    The load gets to this point and then nothing more happens.

    One of the 6(!) times I tried to load the info, I kept the two devices hooked up for more than two hours, and the progression never moved past the initial load.

    My Mac is: 10.8.5
    My iPad was recently upgraded and is version 7.0.3. 48.3 GB available.

    Very frustrated. Please share some suggestions.
    Last edited by gkinard; 02 November 2013, 06:13 AM.

    Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

    Originally posted by gkinard View Post
    What am I doing wrong?

    I am attempting to sync my iPad w/my Mac and place a family file (Reunion 10) on the iPad. I have tried six(!!) times with no luck. (I have loaded the files in the past with no problem. I am trying to put my most up-to-date file on the iPad.)

    Here is what I have done:
    connected the two devices
    Do not connect the iPad to your Mac. Syncing must be done via wi-fi.

    Open the manual and search "Putting a Family File on a Mobile Device".

    Hope this helps,
    Kaye Mushalik
    -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
    -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
    -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


      Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

      Although I am connecting wirelessly, it is still not loading! grrrr.


        Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

        See this FAQ item...

        If you follow the instructions on that web page and still have difficulty, contact our help email address.
        Frank Leister
        Leister Productions Inc.


          Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

          Originally posted by gkinard View Post
          What am I doing wrong?
          but then the gears cease turning on the Mac
          I have the same problem now when I attempt to sync my family file to my iPhone. I have found I can workaround the problem by just clicking again on the Mac. I have to click many times to get the sync to complete. Sync used to work fine for me without this workaround.

          - Don


            Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

            Hi Don,

            Are you running OS X 10.9/Mavericks?

            If so, quit out of Reunion and open a Finder window then navigate to your Applications folder. In your applications folder, locate the Reunion application and CTRL+Click on it; in the menu that opens select "Get Info" and in the Info window that appears check "Prevent App Nap" then close the Info window, re-open Reunion and try the sync again.

            Let us know if the problem persists, or if your Mac has some other version of OS X installed.

            Mark Harrison
            Leister Productions, Inc.


              Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

              Originally posted by Mark View Post
     the Info window that appears check "Prevent App Nap" then close the Info window, re-open Reunion and try the sync again.
              Mark, should we all do this or just if we're having problems with syncing in Mavericks?
              Kaye Mushalik
              -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
              -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
              -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


                Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                I had a similar issue and Mark suggested the following as a possible solution after having tried all the suggestions outlined at - which then corrected my problems.

                Click on the Finder Icon in your Dock, select Documents and then look for any of the following Files:

                [your Family File's name].phash
                [your Family File's name].nstrings
                [your Family File's name].index
                [your Family File's name].touchcards

                If any of them are in the documents folder, drag then to the Trash and then try uploading your Family File to your iPAD again.

                This worked for me and I was then able to get my family file onto my iPAD.

                Hope this helps and Mark if this is incorrect, please advise.


                  Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                  Originally posted by kmgenealogy View Post
                  Mark, should we all do this or just if we're having problems with syncing in Mavericks?
                  You should only do it if you are having trouble syncing with Mavericks.
                  Mark Harrison
                  Leister Productions, Inc.


                    Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                    Mark - I spoke too soon, the problem persists even after I successfully uploaded ONE time even after I eliminated those files noted above and also checked the 'Prevent App Nap' button.

                    Since doing those actions, I have attempted the 'sync' feature at least a dozen times and the 'blue' ribbon on the iMAC advances about 1/2 way and also 1/2 way on the iPAD; however, after about 30 minutes, the rotating disc on the iMAC stops while the gear on the iPAD continues to rotate. But after an hour, the transfer appears to completely come to a halt. I've been trying this for the past 2-3 days 2-3 times each day and still can not get the file uploaded to the iPAD.

                    Any further instructions appreciated.


                      Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                      Mark - for whatever reason, none that I can fathom, after waiting for about 60 minutes on the last upload (which is 111 MB) and noting that the 'rotating gear' on the iMAC had stopped, I was able to continue its rotation by clicking the mouse. It would run for a bit and stop and again clicking the mouse each time allowed the transfer to finally process.
                      I am unable to account for any reason this would fix the problem. Still takes an inordinate amount of time to transfer the file - something around an hour plus.


                      iMAC - 4 GB RAM, 1 TB internal HDD, 2 TB external backup HDD; iPAD - 32 GB unit


                        Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                        Originally posted by sgtbob View Post
                        I am unable to account for any reason this would fix the problem.
                        We've had many reports that clicking in the window makes the transfer continue when it seems to get stuck. Unfortunately we're still not sure what's causing this, but it seems to be unique to OS X Mavericks.

                        My hope was that it was related to the new App Nap feature and that checking the "Prevent App Nap" option would fix it, but so far that doesn't seem to help.
                        Mark Harrison
                        Leister Productions, Inc.


                          Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                          Been following this; there is a hardware possibility that would not be a general problem.

                          A not fully seated Airport card often has intermittent interruptions. This is mainly with MacBooks more than a couple years old. On most of the newer models, the card is not separate but built into a larger card, thus average use doesn't loosen it.

                          For those who the shoe fits, so to speak, the problem would show up with any application that accesses WiFi. If that is happening, have someone who knows what they are doing take a look inside your laptop.
                          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                            Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                            Having the same problem. I trashed the 4 listed files from the Documents folder, checked the appropriate "stop the app nap" box. Now when I try to transfer to the iPad I get to the "Put Family File on Device" window the "Proceed" button is greyed out.

                            Using Mavericks and hoping for some help.

                            Thank you.
                            Darrel Jiles
                            New Mexico


                              Re: file family files will not transfer to iPad

                              If the "Proceed" button is greyed out, that indicates that the two devices (your Mac and iPad) aren't "seeing" each other. Make sure your iPad is connected, via WiFi, to the same network as your Mac. If it is and they still don't connect, try restarting your iPad, Mac, and WiFi access point/router.

                              Mark Harrison
                              Leister Productions, Inc.

