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    Hi guys,
    Today when using my quick bar I noticed something odd. I have my pedigree ancestors in the quick bar, it makes navigating between generations easy.
    Today I hovered my cursor over my GG father's name within the quick bar and up popped a little window. Inside the window it shows
    Robert George Eden #8
    Great grandfather of 'my full name'
    b 'my birth date'
    bp [[pt:1]] (one would assume it would show my place of birth??)
    When I look at my person sheet in family view, my place of birth appears normal as it does in the places sidebar. It also prints correctly in reports.
    Is this correct behaviour?? It doesn't seem to be affecting anything, I just wondered why it appears that way.

    Re: Quickbar

    Originally posted by suzivegemite View Post
    Hi guys,
    Today when using my quick bar I noticed something odd. ...bp [[pt:1]]...
    "[[pt:1]]" is Reunion's internal representation of a place name. You should never see it, but clearly, sometimes it happens. If it happens with any frequency, you will want to talk with Reunion's help staff to see if you have a corrupt database from which they can help you recover.

    What I might do is make a backup copy of the file (so that if anything goes horribly wrong you can go back to square one), and then "Rebuild cache files
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Quickbar

      Thanks Dennis, I'll do a backup and rebuild cache files as suggested and keep an eye on it.


        Re: Quickbar

        I never noticed before, but on checking I get exactly the same thing.


          Re: Quickbar

          [QUOTE=Dennis J. Cunniff;39560]"[[pt:1]]" is Reunion's internal representation of a place name. You should never see it, but clearly, sometimes it happens. If it happens with any frequency, you will want to talk with Reunion's help staff to see if you have a corrupt database from which they can help you recover.

          What I might do is make a backup copy of the file (so that if anything goes horribly wrong you can go back to square one), and then "Rebuild cache files
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Re: Quickbar

            Originally posted by Bob White View Post
            Unless I'm totally misreading Suzi's question: There is nothing wrong here. At least since version 9 came out, hovering over one of those shortcuts produced said popup. Just double-checked 9. I can't check 8 as I no longer have that installed.
            I think there IS something wrong here. Having a popup which says [[pt:1]] rather than the actual place name is rather unhelpful. I have done the cache rebuild previously suggested, and this is still happening. Is anyone else finding this?


              Re: Quickbar

              Adding a bit here - I just tried this on my file, and got an odd result

              The attachment here shows the pop up I got when hovering over "Joan van't" but it's a mixture of details between Joan and myself to the right. It uses Joan's name and relationship to me, but the rest of the details are from me - date of birth and other information - including the [[pt:1]] for the place name.

              How Bizarre!!!


              Actually some more information - it seems like no matter who I put in the QuickBar, those last 3 lines were always from my information, even after deleting me from the QuickBar - I figured out it was always getting that information from whoever was the Source person for Relationships.

              Clearing out all Relationships made the pop up go back to the expected behaviour.

              And then recalculating relationships seems to have fixed this - the pop up now behaves.

              Attached Files
              Last edited by theKiwi; 01 December 2013, 07:53 PM. Reason: Added extra information about Relationships
              Roger Moffat


                Re: Quickbar

                Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
                ...Clearing out all Relationships made the pop up go back to the expected behaviour.

                And then recalculating relationships seems to have fixed this - the pop up now behaves.

                Nice piece of detective work, Roger! I never would have guessed clearing and restoring relationships would clear up the quickbar hover issue.

                Actually it takes me one additional step to resolve this issue.
                After clearing relationships, I next need to quit and relaunch my family file before the hover text is corrected. (Also the death date and death place will then appear in the hover text) too). Then I can select Relatives and identify relationships to myself once again and the hover text in the quickbar remains correct.

                But now I'm curious what action, if any, might trigger the problem to occur again. <grin> Anyway, so far so good.
                Byron Spoon


                  Re: Quickbar

                  Thanks Roger & Byron! I, too, had the same problem. Fixed mine (for now).
                  Kaye Mushalik
                  -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
                  -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
                  -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


                    Re: Quickbar

                    Thanks! I didn't know I had that problem - but your fix worked. I'm glad!


                      Re: Quickbar

                      A big thanks to both Roger and Byron also, this forum is the best.


                        Re: Quickbar

                        It's baaaaack! So, now it goes back to the question of what is causing it? I haven't done anything with the program for the past 4 hours.
                        Kaye Mushalik
                        -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
                        -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
                        -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


                          Re: Quickbar


                          Yes it seems to be easily and always repeatable
                          Roger Moffat


                            Re: Quickbar

                            The bug appears to be confined to individuals - not couples, at least after an initial fix.
                            Looks like something that may have been accidentally introduced in V10, as I can't duplicate it in an old V9 file I still occasionally access.
                            Peter Cook
                            Rossmoyne, Western Australia
                            OSX 10.13.6 & iOS 12.4.6; Reunion 12.0 [200602];ReunionTouch 1.0.15


                              Re: Quickbar

                              Yes, mine's doing it again.

