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Source Person

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    Re: Source Person

    Originally posted by Stephen Hill View Post
    Re, Reunion 10 upgrade 10-0-6. When I open the dmg it shows a window:
    Installing Reunion 10
    To install Reunion 10
    drag this icon (the old Cut-peg ;-0) into this Folder, named Applications, with a black arrow in the bottom left hand corner.
    Then click the dmg icon and choose file eject.
    I can't really help you with this as I started out with Reunion 10 so didn't do an upgrade. I'll let someone else guide you on any upgrade pitfalls to look out for.


      Re: Source Person

      Hello to the two Steves. Robust talk is great. At least we know there's no pussy-footing around. Now I know where I get my plain speaking from
      Jan Powell
      in Wellington, New Zealand
      Apple/Mac since 1987, Reunion since 1993


        Re: Source Person

        I have, through memory recall and much searching through the Reunion User Manual, found how to make my family tree averrable (this miss-spelling not picked up by writing tools - so it must be correct, or it's drunk) to all and sundry. However there are two outstanding queries.

        1) If I make a Web Card Report and include movies and songs, that play in my


          Re: Source Person

          Originally posted by Steve B View Post
          Had to look that one up Bob - I never came across it before in 52 years living in the UK. Donnybrook is a suburb of Dublin where a fair was held until the 1850's - so perhaps its an irish expression.
          Looked it up and that is correct. See attachment.
          Attached Files
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Re: Source Person

            [QUOTE=Jan Powell;39787]Hello to the two Steves. Robust talk is great. At least we know there's no pussy-footing around. Now I know where I get my plain speaking from


              [OT] Cluttered Desktop, was Re: Source Person

              Originally posted by Jan Powell View Post
              Steve Hill: may I suggest you make aliases of your Reunion program and your Family File to place on your desktop.

              I'm curious about items on the Desktop slowing things down. It so happens that I keep the Reunion icon in my Dock, but my Desktop has always been a slum, as in real life for if it is out of sight it is out of mind.

              I learned at my mother's knew that a messy Desktop slows a Mac down, but have since been assured that this is not the case.

              Any other views?


                Re: [OT] Cluttered Desktop, was Re: Source Person

                Originally posted by colinc View Post

                I'm curious about items on the Desktop slowing things down. It so happens that I keep the Reunion icon in my Dock, but my Desktop has always been a slum, as in real life for if it is out of sight it is out of mind.

                I learned at my mother's knew that a messy Desktop slows a Mac down, but have since been assured that this is not the case.

                Any other views?
                Many websites indicate this to be the case, ie "Because of the way OS X


                  Re: [OT] Cluttered Desktop, was Re: Source Person

                  Originally posted by colinc View Post
                  .........I learned at my mother's knew that a messy Desktop slows a Mac down, but have since been assured that this is not the case.........
                  It depends..... If you are still running an old PowerPC chipped Mac or a very early Intel chipped Mac, the old advice is good advice. However, in recent years, the Macs have gotten so powerful that having a junky desktop is not much of a performance issue.
                  Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                  Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                  iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                    Re: Source Person

                    Originally posted by Steve B View Post
                    I don't think you can blame Apple if you go your own way. I only have ONE Applications folder as provided by Apple.
                    I have three external 1TB hard disks: iPhoto Lib (approx 30,000 pics), Family Tree photographs by family and country, movies, inDesgn files, Artwork, Docs, Backup files, etc. each HD seems to have its own App folder.

                    Re: I finally made a burnt disc of the Family Tree, tested it on a PC, and all is fine - up, running and posted.

                    I'm now trying to find how to have the person the Burnt disc will go to identified as the Source person on the disc. Having fun

                    Cheers, Happy Christmas one and all.

