Ok, so in a fit of tidying up, I changed the name of the file Reunion keeps all my data in from: "My Family Tree (Reunion 10)" to just "My Family Tree" (Without the quotes of course).
I then created a couple of new charts and spent hours messing with the layouts.
I then went to update an old chart created when the Reunion file had the first name, and I discovered that Reunion can't handle the name change, cause I can't update an individual from the Family File.
Is there a way to update the Chart files to point the new file name ?
I then created a couple of new charts and spent hours messing with the layouts.
I then went to update an old chart created when the Reunion file had the first name, and I discovered that Reunion can't handle the name change, cause I can't update an individual from the Family File.
Is there a way to update the Chart files to point the new file name ?