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Support for research process?

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    Support for research process?

    I'm wondering whether there are ways in Reunion to track/automate the research process in a methodical way?

    Right now I use a research log (a spreadsheet with several columns that can be sorted and color coded) to plan out my future research and keep track of my past research. I list the sources I plan to search and have columns to record the date when films are ordered, when they were searched, the complete source reference, what I was looking for, what was found (or, more often, that nothing was found), etc. I can also select by the contents of certain files to produce reports from these spreadsheets with subsets of the data. They serve as a advance list of what I intend to do, and a checklist for keeping track of what has been searched and the result.

    I see this as something that should be a part of the Sources capabilities in Reunion. But in addition to keeping track of sources that provided information for my tree, I want to also keep track of the ones that didn't. And have a checklist for future research ideas. And have a way to select sources for a report.

    I know Reunion has Logs - but they are very primitive, and, so far as I can tell, they don't tie in directly to the Sources. You would need to copy and paste a lot to keep things in sync.

    Also, on a somewhat related note, what do people do with transcriptions of documents (eg. census transcripts)? I know you can put them in the Notes field for a person - but I really want to put them in the Source record so that they are available for all of the people mentioned in the record. I didn't see a NOTES field associated with sources. I suppose you could add a text field, but the editing panel isn't really conducive to entering multi-line transcriptions. Do you just put it in the free text field and turn off appearance in the end notes? I guess I don't really want to bother with separate MS WORD documents that are linked through the media tab.



    Re: Support for research process?

    Yes, there is a notes field for Sources - it has its own tab when you're editing a source.


    for an online example of one that is exactly as you wish for.

    Roger Moffat


      Re: Support for research process?

      Roger - do you mean the free-form text tab? I don't see anything labeled "Notes" tho. Looks like you're getting it into TNG - so does it come out as a standard GED field?
      Attached Files


        Re: Support for research process?

        You can place transcriptions (if created with an external word processor) and document scans in the multimedia tab of the source window.
        Donald W. Moore
        Virginia Beach, Virginia


          Re: Support for research process?

          Originally posted by Donald W. Moore View Post
          You can place transcriptions (if created with an external word processor) and document scans in the multimedia tab of the source window.
          Thanks, Donald. Yes, I know. But I didn't want that many independent files floating around. Was hoping for a way to insert them within Reunion and, ideally, get them out into TNG. Looked like Roger did it - if I can figure out how he did it!


            Re: Support for research process?

            Originally posted by donworth View Post
            Roger - do you mean the free-form text tab? I don't see anything labeled "Notes" tho. Looks like you're getting it into TNG - so does it come out as a standard GED field?
            Yes, type it in to the Free form text tab and it comes out in the GEDCOM file as a NOTE. The attached 2 screen shots show what is in Reunion to cause that output in TNG

            Attached Files
            Last edited by theKiwi; 08 May 2014, 10:26 PM.
            Roger Moffat


              Re: Support for research process?

              Thanks, Roger.


                Re: Support for research process?

                Originally posted by theKiwi View Post
                Yes, type it in to the Free form text tab and it comes out in the GEDCOM file as a NOTE. The attached 2 screen shots show what is in Reunion to cause that output in TNG

                To write in the Free form text box, do we need to use special symbols as you have done?

                Can you please just confirm where do these notes appear in our reports?

                Just new to this
                I have a MAC OSX 10.9.1
                Using Reunion 10


                  Re: Support for research process?

                  No you don't have to use the "special symbols" as I have done. These are actually HTML markup codes to create the output that shows in the grey box on this page

                  the <br /> cause a new line in HTML rather than a new paragraph, and the <pre> tags tell browsers to display it using a fixed width font so that the columns line up.

                  Output to GEDCOM file, and then on to my website is the only reports I create, so I'm not concerned that this would look like a real mess if I were to print it out in a report anywhere.

                  Roger Moffat


                    Re: Support for research process?

                    So, I guess nobody had any thoughts on the research log question? I know that Reunion has free-form logs - but that's not really what I was looking for. I wanted something to help automate and support the research process.

                    Here's an example of one of my research logs/checklists/research plans:

                    Last edited by donworth; 12 May 2014, 12:57 PM.


                      Re: Support for research process?

                      Just my two-cents comment, but it is important how you do your research and also in which country. Are you going physically to the archives, or do you mainly search on internet.

                      In my situation, I go to the archives in person, but I am researching the notary archives, orphan archies (weeskamer archieven) and court archives. Those archives are in the main capitals of a county.
                      So I made an special note field with the name 'Research' (that is present on each person). In that note I write down the positive AND (important) also the negative findings.
                      Further I have lots of 'Flags' for each archive a flag.
                      With this two items (and folders of each archive) I am satisfied.

                      Besides those two items, I have a folder for each archive.
                      In those folder I have several catalogs of the archive and I write down all the positive finding with the name, date etc. Those catalogs are identical to the written catalogs of that specific archive
                      When I visit that specific archive after several years, I can see inmmediate which volume number I have examined.
                      But (as I said before) it depends how you do research. Other people do this in another way.
                      Hope this helps ?
                      Attached Files
                      Frans van Bodegom
                      Reunion NL Support Team


                        Re: Support for research process?

                        Originally posted by fjvanbodegom View Post
                        Hope this helps ?
                        It does! Thanks, Frans! I'm always interested in how people approach this.

                        In any case, I really want to be able to tie this into the recording of the sources in Reunion with fields I can select or sort on to produce "to do" checklists and such and so I can see at a glance what remains to be done for a person I am researching. Since this practice seems to be the hallmark of professional genealogists, I'm a little surprised that Reunion hasn't incorporated it into their workflow tools.

                        (I suppose this should have gone into Wish List - but I wasn't sure if I was missing some capability in Reunion)



                          Re: Support for research process?

                          Originally posted by donworth View Post
                          Here's an example of one of my research logs/checklists/research plans:

                          I'm impressed by that: it's a lot more thorough than anything of that sort that I do, and I've often wished I had kept a better record of my researches. Looks like a lot of extra work, though!

                          One question: you have a good system going there - how would it serve you any better if it were incorporated into Reunion?


                            Re: Support for research process?

                            Originally posted by Michael Talibard View Post
                            I'm impressed by that: it's a lot more thorough than anything of that sort that I do, and I've often wished I had kept a better record of my researches. Looks like a lot of extra work, though!

                            One question: you have a good system going there - how would it serve you any better if it were incorporated into Reunion?

                            Well, for one - I wouldn't have to enter the source information twice. And, instead of having multiple spreadsheets for different families as I do now, I could generate surname-specific research log/plans from the Reunion database that were tailored to a particular geographical area or one or two surnames. Also, when I'm looking at a person's record in Reunion and wonder if I have checked, say, church records in Warren Co., Ohio I could see which sources were searched (and came up empty) so that I don't go do them again. Also, if I dropped a particular line of research because I was busy with something else, it would be easier to pick it up again since I would have all the information I needed in one place.

                            Part of the problem with traditional genealogical programs is that they are very person (or couple) centric. Oftentimes, when I am searching out at the "frayed edges" of my tree I'm looking for multiple people with the same surname in an area. So I would like to be able to produce a timeline of sources that are conjectural in nature and that may relate to multiple people in a county before I'm ready to actually commit them to specific people in my tree.


