Some time ago, I discovered while researching the internet, that I could click the internet address and 'drag' it to the 'Note' and to the 'Memo' fields on my REUNION files. Recently, I had occasion to remove some data from my files by preparing a GEDCOM file, opening it in a test editor program and remove the errors. When I then opened the saved GEDCOM file into a new REUNION file, all those nice blue internet connections were converted to plain text and I lost the ability to re-connect to the web site. The text showing the web site remains, but I can no longer return to the 'blue' web site by clicking on the saved setting.
I can of course 'copy/paste' the data from my REUNION 'note' or 'memo' into a search engine and get to the site, but it was a great feature while it lasted. A minor glitch I suppose, but it is disheartening that I lost this capability.
I can of course 'copy/paste' the data from my REUNION 'note' or 'memo' into a search engine and get to the site, but it was a great feature while it lasted. A minor glitch I suppose, but it is disheartening that I lost this capability.