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Marking ancestors

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    Marking ancestors

    When I mark ancestors back for 10 generations, on the ancestors that had multiple spouses, it only marks the direct ancestor's spouse. Is there a way to have it mark all of the spouses for the ancestor? The options that I am using is Unmark everybody first, Mark source person, Mark spouses, Mark parents of spouses, Mark siblings of ancestors.


    Re: Marking ancestors

    Originally posted by Mallred View Post
    When I mark ancestors back for 10 generations, on the ancestors that had multiple spouses, it only marks the direct ancestor's spouse. Is there a way to have it mark all of the spouses for the ancestor? The options that I am using is Unmark everybody first, Mark source person, Mark spouses, Mark parents of spouses, Mark siblings of ancestors.

    There may be other ideas that get you closer to your goal, but what I would do is:
    [1] do exactly as you've stated
    [2] find people whose "# of marked spouses" is more than 0
    [3] mark the people you've just found (without unmarking anyone you've already marked)

    This will mark some extra people, though.

    What would be more exact (if I understand the people you want marked):
    [1] mark all ancestors to the 10th generation; unmark everybody first, mark source person
    [2] find all people whose "# of marked spouses" is more than 0. mark everybody in this list (without unmarking anyone)
    [3] still on the source person, mark all ancestor to the 10th generation, don't unmark everybody first, mark spouses, mark parents of spouses, mark siblings of ancestors. This will really just be marking the siblings, because you've already marked everyone else you want marked.

    (If you want to mark the parents of spouses, where the spouse is not an ancestor, but a step-parent of an ancestor, you could mark the parents of all marked people between steps 2 and 3.)
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Marking ancestors

      I am finding that with step 1, I do not get the other wives, step 2 does not add additional people with the Find option. Am I doing this right?


        Re: Marking ancestors

        Originally posted by Mallred View Post
        I am finding that with step 1, I do not get the other wives, step 2 does not add additional people with the Find option. Am I doing this right?
        You shouldn't get the extra spouses with step 1, so that's ok.
        But step 2 should find them, since their husbands were marked in step 1. And Step 3 should mark them. So maybe the problem is step 2 or 3?

        After you "Find" everyone with "# of Marked Spouses more than '0'", you should have a list in the sidebar results that shows both marked and unmarked people. You need to mark everyone in this list (by clicking the little green checkmark at the bottom of the Results sidebar and selecting "Mark Everybody in List" from the popup menu).
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me


          Re: Marking ancestors

          Thanks for your assistance. In the Find, I put "Person Marked Yes" and "# of spouses more than 0" which brings up more people than in the 10 generations. Is there a way to limit step 2 to the 10 generations?


            Re: Marking ancestors

            Originally posted by Mallred View Post
            Thanks for your assistance. In the Find, I put "Person Marked Yes" and "# of spouses more than 0" which brings up more people than in the 10 generations. Is there a way to limit step 2 to the 10 generations?
            If you have unmarked everyone first, the only people marked by the first step should be in the 10 generations, and so the second step should only find people within those 10 generations.

            Are you sure you've unmarked everyone before beginning the whole process? And that you're only searching for 10 generations in the first step?
            Dennis J. Cunniff
            Click here to email me


              Re: Marking ancestors

              Thanks, it works as you described.


                Re: Marking ancestors

                Beginner question. How do I mark the ancestors of a particular couple? Have searched the manual for hours and know it must be there - just not seeing it.


                  Re: Marking ancestors

                  See this screenshot...
                  Attached Files
                  Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                  Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                  iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                    Re: Marking ancestors

                    Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                    See this screenshot...
                    Thanks much for your help. It solved my problem.

