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Source Usage Reports

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    Source Usage Reports

    How do you get a source usage report that shows people names instead of their person numbers?

    Re: Source Usage Reports

    Originally posted by Susan Park View Post
    How do you get a source usage report that shows people names instead of their person numbers?
    Select the Sources pane, select the source in which you are interested. The Tools icon will give you Show Usage. This changes the pane to a Usage pane. No doubt you have done this already.

    At the bottom, click the List icon.

    You will then get a List window, in which you can select whatever you want to see. IIRC, the default is Last Name, First Name, Birth Date and Place, but you can add, delete and amend columns up to a maximum of 12.

    And, of course, you can export the List as usual.


      Re: Source Usage Reports

      This doesn't seem to get me what I want either. When I have the List window open I can see the sources and I can click on any individual source and see in the Results window who is using that source. But what I want is the Usage Report for ALL Sources. That report shows everything except the person's name. It shows Person Number instead which doesn't help. Did I miss a step in your instructions? Thanks.


        Re: Source Usage Reports

        Originally posted by Susan Park View Post
        This doesn't seem to get me what I want either. When I have the List window open I can see the sources and I can click on any individual source and see in the Results window who is using that source. But what I want is the Usage Report for ALL Sources. That report shows everything except the person's name. It shows Person Number instead which doesn't help. Did I miss a step in your instructions? Thanks.
        Are you sure you really want the names included in that report?

        When I select "Create Usage Report for All Sources..." my report is 53 pages long using the Person ID numbers, and I only have 2151 sources at this time. I think even that relatively small number would create a list of unmanageable size if the names were included instead of just the number.

        But that's my thoughts, and YMMV.
        John Bastin
        Researching: Bastin, Decker, Brake, Perry, Schmid, Sheppard, Matty, Fox, Orr, Eicher
        Mac OS X 10.13.4, Reunion 12.0 (Build 180502) 64-bit


          Re: Source Usage Reports

          Originally posted by jbastin View Post
          Are you sure you really want the names included in that report?

          When I select "Create Usage Report for All Sources..." my report is 53 pages long using the Person ID numbers, and I only have 2151 sources at this time. I think even that relatively small number would create a list of unmanageable size if the names were included instead of just the number.

          But that's my thoughts, and YMMV.
          I'm afraid I agree with jbastin. I have a Family File containing 9128 people and 677 sources, and the Source Report for all sources runs to 292 pages. Because of the way I organise my sources, the list for Source 1 alone (FamilySearch references) runs to 14 pages, and that for Source 2 (1881 Census citations) another 14. Other censuses are similar.

          Many of the other sources do, i admit, refer to oly one or two people, but the list as a whole is of little use to me :-(


