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Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

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    Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

    It seems that reunion allows me to put the same file twice in any given person's multimedia area.

    How can I make reunion disallow the placement of a second identically-named file a given person's multimedia area?



    Re: Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

    As far as I know, you can't. I got into trouble with this a few years ago and and finally solved my problems by having ALL multimedia referenced by my Reunion data base in a SINGLE folder, which physically prevents me from having more than one file with the same name. Reunion has worked very nicely for me ever since.

    YMMV, of course.

    P.S. And since I put that single multimedia folder on Dropbox, Reunion works seamlessly for me whether I using my iMac or my MacBook. Hope this helps!
    Robert Luke


      Re: Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

      Originally posted by raluke View Post
      As far as I know, you can't.
      I just tried it, and I had no problem adding the same file to a person's multimedia area several times.

      I don't think I've ever had any trouble avoiding unintentional duplicates, though!

      Originally posted by raluke View Post
      I got into trouble with this a few years ago and and finally solved my problems by having ALL multimedia referenced by my Reunion data base in a SINGLE folder, which physically prevents me from having more than one file with the same name.
      Agree that this is good practice. Otherwise you have a greater risk of files appearing to be identically named even though they're not (because they are in different folders).
      Dennis J. Cunniff
      Click here to email me


        Re: Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

        I wanted to make it clear that I already have my image files in one location.

        The problem is that, a user may add a file to the MM part of a person's record, and then a year later accidentally add the same file.

        It makes no difference to reunion if the two (identical) file entries in its MM area are in the same folder or in different folders.

        Reunion should (by default) not allow identical file names (no matter the locations) to be placed into the MM area of a person's record.


          Re: Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

          When naming a photo etc, I put an asterik before the name if I am adding the file as multimedia. If I have considered adding the item and have decided not to add it, I put a tilde before the name. I try to keep the naming consistent to avoid duplicating entries.

          However, most of my multimedia come from a backlog which I am working through and adding so perhaps the circumstances are different.

          Works for me! (although someone will probably point out a flaw in my system).
          Last edited by Worrall Researcher; 11 August 2014, 01:37 AM.


            Re: Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

            Originally posted by Worrall Researcher View Post
            ........Works for me! ...........
            The details of a system are not the most important thing. It is the three words I've quoted.
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


              Re: Duplicates in Multimedia Allowed?

              Originally posted by raluke View Post
              .........having ALL multimedia referenced by my Reunion data base in a SINGLE folder, which physically prevents me from having more than one file with the same name...........P.S. And since I put that single multimedia folder on Dropbox, Reunion works seamlessly for me whether I using my iMac or my MacBook. Hope this helps!
              Single folder is what I have preached here for years and years. Only difference is that I keep all in a folder inside the Reunion Files folder.

              Note: Some people here may not realize this. Dropbox is actually a duplicate copy of a main folder right on your own Mac. That is why you are prevented from double naming. The folder is located at HardDiskName >> Users >> UserName >> Dropbox.
              Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
              Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
              iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

