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Reunion on PC

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    Reunion on PC

    I have been using Reunion on my PC for so long that I have lost track of which version (though I understand it must be version 4 or earlier).

    I wish to upgrade (I really need to upload photographs), and am reluctantly forced to move away from Reunion. I cannot move to Mac, so I would appreciate advice on which PC genealogy programme to adopt - the one that will best approximnate the efficiency and user-friendliness of Reunion, as well as accurately accepting all my Reunion data.

    Can anyone help me?


    Re: Reunion on PC

    No recommendation from me, but, just curious; WHY can't you move to a Mac?
    rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


      Re: Reunion on PC

      I am far too old to take that challenge...


        Re: Reunion on PC

        Would I be getting warm if I guessed that you are still using the same PC with the same operating system that it came with after all these years?

        If that was a "Yes," then you very likely face a like challenge in the Windows environment. Nearly all (if not all) current genealogy programs require at least Windows XP (which came out circa 2001). If you are still on Windows 98 (my guess), you may be able to upgrade your PC to XP and find a program that will run on XP.

        Regarding the "far to old" comment, don't sell yourself short. I live in a senior retirement community and am pretty much the local Mac guru. I have seen a number of eighty somethings take to a Mac like a fish to water --- after using a PC for a long time. Sit down with a friend who has a Mac and have them give you a "tour" and you may change your mind.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: Reunion on PC

          Originally posted by Bob White View Post
          Would I be getting warm if I guessed that you are still using the same PC with the same operating system that it came with after all these years?

          If that was a "Yes," then you very likely face a like challenge in the Windows environment. Nearly all (if not all) current genealogy programs require at least Windows XP (which came out circa 2001). If you are still on Windows 98 (my guess), you may be able to upgrade your PC to XP and find a program that will run on XP...
          Microsoft no longer supports XP and using newer Windows software may be an even greater challenge than switching to a Mac. Depending on how old your current PC is, it might even mean having to get a new PC in order to run the new Windows software. In that case, the only good options (in my opinion) are to stay with what you have or switch to a Mac and Reunion.
          John McGee Leggett, Jr.
          Late 2014 MacMini, MacOS Mojave 10.14.3, Reunion 12, Safari 12.0.3
          Leggett Booth McGee King Coulter Morton Ashley Douglas Ranard Maners


            Re: Reunion on PC

            I have been using a PC for work for decades and will continue to do so. I choose to stay on PC because I have quite enough challenges in my life without switching to Mac as well. Reunion is only one of many programmes that I use regularly and I have no intention of trying to change them all to Mac versions. I recently tried to upgrade my Windows XP to Windows 8 and after two catastrophic failures of the whole system I went back to XP, which I am sure I can go on useing despite it being no longer officially supported (there are lots of people out there who can help).

            Switching to Mac will not happen. So, please can anyone help me with my question - which PC programme will import Reunion data best and be as efficient and user-friendly as Reunion?



              Re: Reunion on PC

              Originally posted by Ina B View Post
              Switching to Mac will not happen. So, please can anyone help me with my question - which PC programme will import Reunion data best and be as efficient and user-friendly as Reunion?
              There's some discussion and recommendations here
              or you can search ReunionTalk yourself (as I just did) by using keywords like Reunion and Windows.
              Byron Spoon


                Re: Reunion on PC

                Many (most) of the folks in our Genealogical society use Legacy and, to a lesser extent, Roots Magic, I believe. I used Family Tree Maker for a while when I was on Windows - it worked well enough for me, but I like Reunion a bit better. (I too was on Reunion for Windows before Family Tree Maker and Generations when Sierra Online bought it.) Steer clear of The Master Genealogist since the founder is shuttering that company and there will be no more updates to TMG.

                I used Windows for 12 years because that was the platform we used at work. When I retired I bought a Mac. The transition hasn't been too difficult because I ran a Windows XP (and later Windows 7) partition on my hard drive using the Boot Camp feature for a long time until I gradually got comfortable in Mac OS X. I still have the partition so I can play my MMORPG game - but that's all that's on it now and I do everything else in Mac OS. I would never go back to Windows - just not having to worry about adware and viruses is reason enough. And I like how my iPhone, iPad, laptop, and Apple TV box all talk to each other seamlessly.

                However, when people ask me what to buy, I always ask them - what do your friends and family use? Because, unless you're an IT guy like me, you need a support network!

                I converted my data from Family Tree Maker on Windows to Reunion on the Mac (which isn't precisely what you're doing) and I did run into a few problems in converting the data. You're probably going to lose any proprietary things in your database that aren't part of the GED standard. That just goes with the territory when you're switching between programs. In my case, I had alternate names and marriage data in FTM that fell by the wayside when I imported into Reunion. I also lost Cause of Death and a few other little things.

                Last edited by donworth; 16 August 2014, 12:17 AM. Reason: Add something


                  Re: Reunion on PC


                  If you really need to stay with Windows XP, then I would recommend Legacy Family Tree - Their system requirements show compatibility with XP. You can download their Standard Edition for free to see if it will work for you. As far as GEDCOM importing from Reunion, I would contact them to see what they suggest. Geoff seems to be their spokesperson and has always be helpful. If you are happy with the Standard Ed., the upgrade to the Deluxe Ed. is only $29.95 although I would recommend getting one of the bundles which can include printed & PDF manuals & video series. This company has been around for many years and seems to be growing with the new technology.

                  Although I am a Mac & Reunion user from way back (and will continue to be...forever), I have installed Legacy Family Tree 8 on my Mac in a virtual Windows XP section through VMWare Fusion software. I have imported a GEDCOM and it seems to be okay. My sources came through fine. There are some really nice features that Reunion doesn't have so thought I'd try it.

                  I have been VERY happy with Legacy's free webinar series for several years. I even subscribe to their Webinar Archives so I can go back further than a week (the length they keep a current webinar available for free) to review and, if I haven't already, download the handouts.

                  You can tell that they sincerely want to provide the best PC genealogy software and general genealogy support out there. Their webinars are mostly about genealogy topics of interest to any genealogist, no matter the platform. Even those webinars aimed at the Legacy software have good genealogy ideas behind them.

                  If I had to go to a PC platform, I definitely would go with Legacy.

                  Hope this is helpful.
                  Last edited by kmgenealogy; 16 August 2014, 12:48 AM.
                  Kaye Mushalik
                  -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
                  -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
                  -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


                    Re: Reunion on PC

                    Thank you all for these suggestions. Legacy seems the go - and I will follow up on the other ideas too.

