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Finding month/year dates of birth

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    Finding month/year dates of birth


    I have finished a descendant chart, but have learned a baby is expected in October and would like to add that birth to the chart in October. Is there a way I can find those people in my chart who are living and will have had a birthday between now and the birth date of the baby, so I can change their age?

    Thanks, Carol

    Re: Finding month/year dates of birth

    There are a couple of ways to do this. If you set up the chart layout to have Reunion add the age automatically when you created the chart, I would wait for the birth to occur, then open the chart and select all boxes and choose from the main menu Object->Update from Family File. This will apply all updates that have been made in the family file up till then, and update the ages too.

    To do exactly what you've asked, simply open the chart and choose from the main menu Edit->Find Anything in Boxes, and make the search criteria equal to [Living] [Yes].

    If you haven't done a lot of custom editing of your chart, it might be easiest to simply recreate it from scratch.
    Last edited by ttl; 15 September 2014, 12:55 PM.
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics

