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FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

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    Re: FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

    Originally posted by Mark View Post

    I understand the issues you have regarding this, I was simply explaining how Reunion handles the situation and why it handles the situation that way in order to give you (and any others who may be looking for this information) a good understanding of what's happening.

    We recognize the results are not ideal, but we felt it was the best solution. However, we are open to other suggestions.
    Perhaps a cleaner solution would be to replicate the source as needed, so that each usage of it in the GEDCOM file becomes a new source - that way while you could end up with 100 sources that are nearly the same, each one would be specific to the places it is used.

    Or remove the 255 character limit in citation detail so that it can all cleanly be put there uniquely for each use of that single source.

    Roger Moffat


      Re: FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

      Originally posted by Mark View Post
      You would need to fix it manually, yes. It's simply the result of different design philosophies between Reunion and Rootsmagic (and FTM3) - the citation detail field in Reunion is limited to 255 characters because citation details are not intended to contain large amounts of text, only short bits that give information like page number, volume, etc...
      Every time I read in this list about people who have problems like this, I'm thankful that I decided to handle my census sources in a different way. When I enter a, say, 1920 census source for an individual, my source is *the specific page of the census where that person appears.* I save that page, which would include the family information, and that one (or sometimes, two) census sheet becomes the census source for that individual for that year. That page is then also attached as a source for every member of the family who appears on that page.

      This way, my information and details notes never outgrow the allotted size for that entry. I also save the image of the page as a multimedia attachment to that source number.

      Hope this helps.
      Last edited by Frank; 19 December 2014, 09:55 AM.
      John Bastin
      Researching: Bastin, Decker, Brake, Perry, Schmid, Sheppard, Matty, Fox, Orr, Eicher
      Mac OS X 10.13.4, Reunion 12.0 (Build 180502) 64-bit


        Re: FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

        I agree with John.


          Re: FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

          I do the same. I believe genealogy purists would say (for example) that the 1911 England census is technically one source, but that is not the way Reunion works. I am not sure if the GEDCOM standard would allow separate attachments on a citation basis rather than a source basis?


            Re: FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

            As an addendum to my earlier posts in this forum regarding RootsMagic and trying to make the change from it back to Reunion ....

            Well, it seems the issue is NOT in those extra fields RootsMagic uses in its sources (research notes, comments, etc.) I recently took the time and considerable effort to take the data I stored there (such as household info for census entries) and move it to the individual note field for the pertinent event of each person. It did nothing to help my gedcom import into Reunion 10. Not a thing. It seems that Reunion does not like to have sources lumped together. It wants to show all usage of a source lumped together in that Free Form field. I wish it wasn't so!

            As an experiment, I imported the very same gedcom into Family TreeMaker 3, MacFamily Tree 7, and Heredis 2014 to see how they handled these "lumped" sources. All the apps imported them correctly so that ONLY the citation detail that applies to an event shows up as the source ...... not the many instances that the source is used with other details, for other people. So, evidently, other software has that, at least, right as far as gedcoms go.

            I wish it was different, but it's not. Reunion is a fine program but it just won't work for me.

            Reunion 13
            MacBook Air, Mac OS 13.5.2


              Re: FTM3 GEDCOM to Reunion 10

              Originally posted by jbastin View Post
              Every time I read in this list about people who have problems like this, I'm thankful that I decided to handle my census sources in a different way. When I enter a, say, 1920 census source for an individual, my source is *the specific page of the census where that person appears.* I save that page, which would include the family information, and that one (or sometimes, two) census sheet becomes the census source for that individual for that year. That page is then also attached as a source for every member of the family who appears on that page.
              I too, follow this process and am grateful that I started that way. I have friends and family who began with FTM and struggled long and hard with converting to Reunion but have found it problematic due to the differences in programs. I feel bad for them as I know what they are missing but understand the massive amount of work it would take to switch, to what I believe, is the best genealogical program for the Mac!!

              Frank Zwolinski
              Researching: Zwolinski, Zubris, Ward, Wichlacz, Six, Sidney/Sypniewskie, Rickner, Mulligan, McElroy, Maciejewski, Loisy, Lindsay, Konjey, Konieczki, Janick, Ellis, Cornish, Chlebowski, Sass, Soch.
              MacBook Pro, OS X 10.8.5, Reunion 11, FireFox 38.0.5, Safari 6.2.2

