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Missing Surnames

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    Missing Surnames

    Hi Everyone
    Seems I have a bit of a glitch. Whether it is something I set up, accidentally, or is in fact a real glitch, here it is:
    When I click on the marriage button for a couple and the marriage section opens, the names at the top of the page have no surnames. I am attaching a screenshot (my own marriage) so you can see what I mean. How can I repair this, please?
    Attached Files
    Jan Powell
    in Wellington, New Zealand
    Apple/Mac since 1987, Reunion since 1993

    Re: Missing Surnames

    Hi Jan,

    I don't know if this will help but try rebuilding your cache files;

    When in Family View;

    Reunion > File > drop down to Rebuild Cache Files

    iMac 27" (late 2015) 2TB, 24GB Ram, (Monterey 12.3.1) iPad Pro 12.9" 256GB (Ios 14.4), iPhone 6S+ 128GB (Ios 14.4), Reunion 13,


      Re: Missing Surnames

      Thanks, Alan.
      Sadly it didn't work. I am also missing surnames in the History List when I click the H at the bottom of the cards.
      Jan Powell
      in Wellington, New Zealand
      Apple/Mac since 1987, Reunion since 1993


        Re: Missing Surnames

        Originally posted by Jan Powell View Post
        Hi Everyone
        Seems I have a bit of a glitch. Whether it is something I set up, accidentally, or is in fact a real glitch, here it is:
        When I click on the marriage button for a couple and the marriage section opens, the names at the top of the page have no surnames. I am attaching a screenshot (my own marriage) so you can see what I mean. How can I repair this, please?
        That is how my database shows them.
        However on a different machine it shows some with the surnames and some without.
        The machine I am typing on is running the Reunion 10.0.7 beta (no surnames), but the other one has 10.0.6 (mixed)
        Both machines are running Yosemite 10.10.1


          Re: Missing Surnames

          The missing surnames in the Edit Family window header, and in the History pop-up menu are both problems inadvertently introduced via the 10.0.7 beta release. They should be fixed in the next beta release.

          Note: these issues are cosmetic only. (Surnames in your records are not affected; only their display in the header of the Edit Family window and the History pop-up menu.)
          Last edited by Frank; 08 December 2014, 12:46 PM.
          Frank Leister
          Leister Productions Inc.

