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Report Options Marking

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    Report Options Marking

    When I open the menu to select the events, facts, etc I want to include in a report, the default things are all checked as usual. But when I select additional events for the report, craziness happens. I click the 1st event (say, Census) and it is marked. Then when I click on the next event, it is marked but the mark for Census goes away. Anybody else seen this?


    Re: Report Options Marking

    Originally posted by JamesWinfrey View Post
    When I open the menu to select the events, facts, etc I want to include in a report, the default things are all checked as usual. But when I select additional events for the report, craziness happens. I click the 1st event (say, Census) and it is marked. Then when I click on the next event, it is marked but the mark for Census goes away. Anybody else seen this?Jim
    I have exactly the same problem, Jim. I think it started when I did the beta upgrade. It is really difficult to get the ticks to stick. Seems to work if I click the name of the item, rather than the tick-box itself.
    Jan Powell
    in Wellington, New Zealand
    Apple/Mac since 1987, Reunion since 1993

