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Finding duplicates

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    Finding duplicates

    I have been entering a whole bunch of new people, without the search duplicates control function. How can I now search my whole database for possible duplicate persons? I remember that in a older version of Reunion this was possible, but now I do not find this feature anymore.
    Huub TM ter Beek, the Netherlands

    Re: Finding duplicates

    Originally posted by HuubTM View Post
    How can I now search my whole database for possible duplicate persons?
    Use Reunion's Match and Merge People feature.

    I recommend reading the "Match and Merge People" section in the manual (by searching for "match merge") and making sure you have a recent backup copy of your family file before using this feature.

    To access your manual, open your family file and choose Help -> Contents (or click on the "?" in the lower-left corner of the Reunion window). Read the first search result: "What is Match and Merge?"

    I hope you find this information helpful
    Deb Stuller
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Finding duplicates

      Where is the manual???


        Re: Finding duplicates

        Originally posted by jpachner View Post
        Where is the manual???
        If you click in the "?" in the bottom left corner of the window, the manual will open (to pertinent content). You can use the search box in the upper right of that window to search the manual for the topic you need.

        You can also type ⌘-? or use the Help menu (Help --> contents).
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me


          Re: Finding duplicates

          And as Deb says, make a copy first!


