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Default Location of the Family File

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    Default Location of the Family File

    Since updating to Reunion 12, the Mac is not finding the file in Dropbox. When I open Reunion on the Mac, the first screen is "SELECT A FAMILY FILE" AND "DOCUMENTS" is the first choice listed. Each time I need to point it back to the DropBox File and select the family file. I've checked the Sharing and it appears to have the correct keychain to the Dropbox file. Both the iPad and iPhone are syncing correctly using the keychain that should be working for the Mac. I edited the file on the Mac and it did sync to the iPhone and edited the file on the iPhone and it did sync back to the Mac. The syncing seems to be working but why doesn’t Reunion follow the keychain to DropBox. I tried restarted the computer and reset the sharing multiple times even though it appears to have the correct keychain, but opening Reunion on the computer still does not find the family file in DropBox. Mac is running High Sierra 10.13.2. I have spent several hours trying to sort this out but have run out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    re: Default Location of the Family File

    You should be opening the family file, not the Reunion app.
    Personaly, I have an alias in my dock.

    Additionally, from Frank in another thread:

    "Open your family file and choose Reunion > Preferences > Folders > Family Files. Then click "Choose Other Folder" to tell Reunion where you'd like it to default (when opening Reunion, or choosing File > Open).
    Frank Leister
    Leister Productions Inc.
    rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


      Re: Default Location of the Family File

      Originally posted by B Courtney View Post
      ...I've checked the Sharing and it appears to have the correct keychain to the Dropbox file... The syncing seems to be working but why doesn’t Reunion follow the keychain to DropBox...
      Just to clarify, Reunion has nothing to do with "Keychain."

      Keychain is an iCloud utility for saving usernames, passwords, etc. across different devices. It's unrelated to Reunion.
      Frank Leister
      Leister Productions Inc.


        Re: Default Location of the Family File

        Originally posted by SGilbert View Post
        You should be opening the family file, not the Reunion app.
        Personaly, I have an alias in my dock.

        Additionally, from Frank in another thread:

        "Open your family file and choose Reunion > Preferences > Folders > Family Files. Then click "Choose Other Folder" to tell Reunion where you'd like it to default (when opening Reunion, or choosing File > Open).
        Frank Leister
        Leister Productions Inc.
        I have done this numerous times. When I close out the family file it "forgets" the other folder that I want to be the default.


          Re: Default Location of the Family File

          Originally posted by Willie Davis View Post
          I have done this numerous times. When I close out the family file it "forgets" the other folder that I want to be the default.
          See attached screen shots. ONLY family files need to be in the Dropbox folder. The other screenshot shows my alias in my dock.
          If Reunion is directed to Dropbox, as Frank says, that's all you'll need. Clicking on a family file(s) will open the app
          Attached Files
          rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch

