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Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter

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    Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter

    Hi Team, I'm having some difficulty with the Match and Merge function to address an issue with my family tree. If anyone could be of assistance, it'd be a great help!

    I built a family tree and mistakenly put someone as the sibling of their parent. This mistake was done some time ago, and this mis-placed person has over 30 descendants. I'd like to fix this with the Match and Merge function, but my attempts have simply moved this one person and none of her descendants. I'm trying to find a solution that doesn't require me to create new records for all of her descendants.

    Details of family tree (see attached image)
    John and Barbara have four children listed: Ephraim, Eva, Franklin, and Ellen. However, Eva is actually Ephraim's daughter, not his sister. Eva has over 30 descendants. I'd like to just "lift and shift" Eva so she's listed as Ephraim's daughter instead of John's daughter... and take all of her descendants with her.

    Issues with Merge and Match:
    To correct this, I added a new, placeholder record for Eva as Ephraim's daughter. I used the Match and Merge function to merge the two records. In the Match and Merge screen, the placeholder (destination) record for Eva was on the left and the original (incorrect) record for her was on the right. However, the checkboxes for Spouses and Children on the right side were grayed out, which I assume is because the the new, placeholder record had no spouse or descendants. Is there now way to jut bring those along with Match and Merge?

    Alternative solutions:
    Perhaps there's another way to achieve this rather than the Match and Merge section. If so, I'd love to know.

    Thanks so much for your help!!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by smhayhurst; 15 January 2018, 01:15 PM. Reason: Added section for alternative solutions

    Re: Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter


    Match and Merge isn't the solution here - there's a much easier way to resolve this.

    Navigate to John and Barbara's family record in the Family View and drag Eva from the Children area of the Family View into the Clipboard sidebar. Then, switch to Ephraim's family record in the Family View and drag Eva from the Clipboard sidebar into the Children area of the Family View.

    Mark Harrison
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Re: Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter

      Thanks, Mark! That worked like a charm!


        Re: Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter

        I am having the same kind of problem moving a child from one parent to another. Using the Clipboard it was easy to move the child, but the child's children did not move with the child. What am I doing wrong?



          Re: Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter

          Originally posted by Charles Larkins View Post
          Using the Clipboard it was easy to move the child, but the child's children did not move with the child. What am I doing wrong?
          Where did you drag the child from? Specifically, did you drag the child from the Children area of his/her parents family record or did you navigate to the child (so his/her parents where shown above, and children below) and drag from there?

          From what you're describing it sounds like you navigated to the child's family record and dragged him/her from there to the Clipboard, instead of navigating to the parents family record and dragging him/her from the Children portion of the Family View to the Clipboard.
          Mark Harrison
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Re: Moving section of tree with Merge - moving someone from sister to daughter


            Your prompt response is very much appreciated. I will second guess myself trying to remember where I dragged the child from, so will go to my backup file and start over.

            Thank You!

