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Gedcom for Gedmatch

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    Gedcom for Gedmatch

    I have made three gedcoms, each time uploading it to Gedmatch and the ONLY name in the pedigree chart that gets there is my spouse's. I marked all the people I wanted to show, chose marked people, did NOT mark my spouse, and there he is, the one and only person on my pedigree. Has anyone successfully made a gedcom and how did you do it? I have read the instructions in the manual every single time and cannot fathom where I'm going wrong. Thanks!!

    Re: Gedcom for Gedmatch

    Originally posted by Janine Penfield View Post
    I have made three gedcoms, each time uploading it to Gedmatch and the ONLY name in the pedigree chart that gets there is my spouse's. I marked all the people I wanted to show, chose marked people, did NOT mark my spouse, and there he is, the one and only person on my pedigree. Has anyone successfully made a gedcom and how did you do it? I have read the instructions in the manual every single time and cannot fathom where I'm going wrong. Thanks!!
    I did it, and didn't do anything special. Did you look at the file before uploading it?
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Gedcom for Gedmatch

      Originally posted by Dennis J. Cunniff View Post
      I did it, and didn't do anything special. Did you look at the file before uploading it?
      Hi Dennis. That part - the sharing message. When I open it, it wants to add those people to my Reunion file. So how do I look at it? Ideally, I'd love to watch someone do this.

      Thanks, Janine


        Re: Gedcom for Gedmatch

        I was able to upload mine without any issues, but I'd strongly recommend running your privacy filter so as not to share any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on living people before you export and upload it.
        Bradley Jansen
        OS 10.15.2 on a MacBook Pro using Reunion 12 and ReunionTouch 1.0.9


          Re: Gedcom for Gedmatch

          Originally posted by Janine Penfield View Post
          Hi Dennis. That part - the sharing message. When I open it, it wants to add those people to my Reunion file. So how do I look at it? Ideally, I'd love to watch someone do this.

          Thanks, Janine
          I can't get a clear idea of what's going on, but it sounds like you're importing instead of exporting? It's been a while, so I don't remember the sharing message.
          Dennis J. Cunniff
          Click here to email me


            Re: Gedcom for Gedmatch

            Two ways you can look at the GEDCOM file:
            (1) it is just a text file, so open it in a text editing program and you should see (together with a lot of code) the names of the people it contains; or
            (2) open it in Reunion. Make sure your existing familyfile is closed (to avoid it being imported back into your familyfile) and it will offer to make a new familyfile which will contain just the contents of your GEDCOM.


              Re: Gedcom for Gedmatch

              Ditto to A Hougie's #2 suggestion. After exporting a GEDCOM file, I have learned (the hard way) to ALWAYS double-check and proof it, by importing it into a new, "blank" Reunion Family File, before uploading it to anywhere (e.g., for a tree on a DNA website or whatever).

              I usually find that someone has slipped in there that I didn't want, despite whatever I tried to do re: privacy, living people, or whatever.

              Here's how to check your newly exported GEDCOM to see if it's what you want:
              1) File>New Family File. Name it something like "Jones Tree TEMP TEST GEDCOM", or whatever tells you that you are just temporarily testing a gedcom file.
              2) The new Reunion Family File will open with a window, "You've just make a new, empty family file. How do you want to begin?". Choose "Import GEDCOM file."
              3) It will create the new family file out of your GEDCOM.

              Then look around, in Tree View as well as Family View. On the right sidebar, look at the list of People to see if any unwanted folks got into the GEDCOM. (This only helps if your GEDCOM is relatively small, not your entire file/tree.) Look especially around your own Person card (if you're in the GEDCOM) or the card of anyone else living now. I have found nieces, first husband, and others who I didn't want in there.

              If all is fine, then you know your GEDCOM is what you want. Trash the "Jones Tree TEMP TEST GEDCOM" Reunion file -- that was just for proofing.

              BUT if you have deleted unwanted people, and now have what you want, make a GEDCOM out of this TEMP proofing file (you don't have to go back to your original Reunion file and try again.) Go to File>Export>GEDCOM. I think you can overwrite/replace your previous GEDCOM, or just re-name it in a way that tells you it's the corrected file.

              Hope this helps.

