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Changing event type

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    Changing event type

    I've uploaded a Gedcom from Ancestry and some of the events now show in Reunion as *[New] PROB or *[New]OCCU. I can create a new event type that is more suitable but can't find any way to change the existing event type. Suggestions??

    Re: Changing event type

    Originally posted by Karen Heenan View Post
    I've uploaded a Gedcom from Ancestry and some of the events now show in Reunion as *[New] PROB or *[New]OCCU. I can create a new event type that is more suitable but can't find any way to change the existing event type. Suggestions??
    It sounds like you are wanting to edit existing field names (i.e., *[New] PROB and *[New]OCCU) and, perhaps, the attributes of those fields. If so, the solution can be found by searching the manual for "edit field," without the quotes. The first search result, "Editing Attributes of Fields, Person and Family Fields," should address what you are wanting to do.

    To access the manual, open your family file and choose Help -> Contents or click the "?" in the lower left corner of just about any Reunion window.

    I hope you find this information helpful
    Deb Stuller
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Changing event type

      Thanks Deb, this solved it perfectly...

