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Change surname

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    Change surname

    I have a family that some members spell their name as Roan and some spell it Rowan (even from father to son). This makes researching complicated. I have 64 people that I would like to change their surname. Is there a way to do as a group rather going to each person?

    Re: Change surname

    Go to Find in the left column. At bottom, you will see Find and Replace.
    rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


      Re: Change surname

      IMHO.... For your own convenience, you would be introducing a bunch of inaccuracies into your genealogy database. One should always record the name the ancestor used in their daily lives and use sources, misc. notes, etc. to explain/record differences. Just my two pennies!
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Change surname

        Originally posted by Bob White View Post
        xOne should always record the name the ancestor used in their daily lives and use sources, misc. notes, etc. to explain/record differences.
        Ancestors often use more than one spelling in daily life, so that's not solution that can be applied everywhere. Our current idea that there's one and only one correct way to spell things is a fairly new one.
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me


          Re: Change surname

          Originally posted by Bob White View Post
          IMHO.... For your own convenience, you would be introducing a bunch of inaccuracies into your genealogy database. One should always record the name the ancestor used in their daily lives and use sources, misc. notes, etc. to explain/record differences. Just my two pennies!
          I agree. One branch of my family started of as Siminet (almost certainly the vicar’s rendering of what he heard), and evolved into Simonite by the 1830s. Sometime in the 1850s most branches (including mine) became Simmonite. But some retained Simonite and still do.

          It was all very fluid around the transition period, with children in a family being baptised with either as time went on.

          Similar changes happened in other surnames- Doegood to Dogood or more commonly Doogood for example.

          I have tried to record the baptismal or civil registration name whenever possible, noting changes in later censuses or on marriage in the appropriate place. To do a blanket change would introduce errors and also make it very difficult for anyone trying to use the data; they would be searching for the the “wrong” names!


            Re: Change surname

            Perhaps all this could be resolved if Reunion had a structured approach to entering different names to the same person? See wish list.
            James L. Milne
            Click here to email me


              Re: Change surname

              Use the AKA fact to record name variations. You can add as many AKAs as you need.
              Donald W. Moore
              Virginia Beach, Virginia


                Re: Change surname

                Originally posted by Donald W. Moore View Post
                Use the AKA fact to record name variations. You can add as many AKAs as you need.
                Yes, but it would be nice to have the ability to search in a single list, all names including alternative names, in the family file.
                Also there is no structured entry for the AKA fact. Is it forenames then surname, or surname then forenames, and what should be entered to distinguish between the fields, comma, slash etc. to help with gedcom export?
                Fingers crossed, Leister will introduce a structured method of adding alternative names with the ability to search all names in a single list.
                James L. Milne
                Click here to email me


                  Re: Change surname

                  Originally posted by Sully2004 View Post
                  I have a family that some members spell their name as Roan and some spell it Rowan (even from father to son). This makes researching complicated. I have 64 people that I would like to change their surname. Is there a way to do as a group rather going to each person?
                  My personal solution (obviously not for everybody in all circumstances) is to "standardize" surnames to the most common variant. For individuals, I note the documented variations for their personal record (as others have mentioned). Then, for indexing and search purposes, I create an isolated blank person record with the variant surname, and for First Name ">see (standardized name)". These "person records" appear in the index like this:

                  SMYTH, > see SMITH

                  As I say, this works for my purposes. You've already got lots of other good suggestions, too.
                  Bryce W. Self
                  Redwood City, CA

