HA! OK figured out how to change the print options!
(for anyone else who is wondering - go to Reunion Preferences -> Reports -> Word Processor).
Would still like a fix re the privacy issue .... (Individuals not private on report, even though "Use privacy filtering" is checked .....
Thank you!
I would like to print reports, but my print options are to print to: Appleworks 6 (?), Mail, Safari, Text Edit, or Web Page. I have used Reunion since Version 9, but have upgraded to Version 12 and have all the updates. Why am I still getting Appleworks? Edit, of course, is basic and formatting is horrible. Safari looks great but is a web page. Is there any way to change the print options for reports to Word or Pages? If not, what is my best option for a nice looking report?
Also - I have checked "privacy" for living people, but the report still includes all details of living people. Any thoughts there?
(for anyone else who is wondering - go to Reunion Preferences -> Reports -> Word Processor).
Would still like a fix re the privacy issue .... (Individuals not private on report, even though "Use privacy filtering" is checked .....
Thank you!
I would like to print reports, but my print options are to print to: Appleworks 6 (?), Mail, Safari, Text Edit, or Web Page. I have used Reunion since Version 9, but have upgraded to Version 12 and have all the updates. Why am I still getting Appleworks? Edit, of course, is basic and formatting is horrible. Safari looks great but is a web page. Is there any way to change the print options for reports to Word or Pages? If not, what is my best option for a nice looking report?
Also - I have checked "privacy" for living people, but the report still includes all details of living people. Any thoughts there?