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Unrelated Person

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    Unrelated Person

    My Great-Grandfather in later life had a live-in housekeeper whom I want to research so I have entered her into Reunion but the only way to do this seems to be to include her as a spouse of my Great-Grandfather which is less than satisfactory. Is there a way to have her appear in Reunion as an unrelated entry? Thanks for any help.
    Andrew Allsop

    Re: Unrelated Person

    Not sure about Reunion 12 but I should imagine it's similar to Reunion 11.
    Go to "Edit" then "Add Unrelated Person".
    Hope this helps.
    James L. Milne
    Click here to email me


      Re: Unrelated Person

      Originally posted by James Milne View Post
      Not sure about Reunion 12 but I should imagine it's similar to Reunion 11.
      Go to "Edit" then "Add Unrelated Person".
      Hope this helps.
      Yes, thanks, that does adman unrelated person but the resulting record is not connected in any way as far as I can see, to my Great-Grandfather. I would like to somehow make it plain hat the unrelated person has a connection. The ideal would e an addition to the list of people in the drop-down menu in the family card that contains wives etc.
      Andrew Allsop


        Re: Unrelated Person

        Originally posted by Allsop View Post
        Yes, thanks, that does adman unrelated person but the resulting record is not connected in any way as far as I can see, to my Great-Grandfather. I would like to somehow make it plain hat the unrelated person has a connection. The ideal would e an addition to the list of people in the drop-down menu in the family card that contains wives etc.
        Since she's already in that drop-down menu, just mark the pair as "Unmarried".
        Attached Files
        Dennis J. Cunniff
        Click here to email me


          Re: Unrelated Person

          Originally posted by Dennis J. Cunniff View Post
          Since she's already in that drop-down menu, just mark the pair as "Unmarried".
          Thank you. Perhaps I am being picky but whilst that does show that they are not married the woman still appears as being my "Step G Grandmother" (I have relationships to the source person, me, set to be shown). I know that she isn't but others will assume there was some "relationship" between the two.
          Attached Files
          Andrew Allsop


            Re: Unrelated Person

            Originally posted by Allsop View Post
            Thank you. Perhaps I am being picky but whilst that does show that they are not married the woman still appears as being my "Step G Grandmother" (I have relationships to the source person, me, set to be shown). I know that she isn't but others will assume there was some "relationship" between the two.
            Well, I'd add a note specifically detailing their relationship, and edit out "step-grandmother" from any reports manually.

            Admittedly it;s not automatic, but it gets the job done.
            Dennis J. Cunniff
            Click here to email me


              Re: Unrelated Person

              Originally posted by Dennis J. Cunniff View Post
              Well, I'd add a note specifically detailing their relationship, and edit out "step-grandmother" from any reports manually.

              Admittedly it;s not automatic, but it gets the job done.
              That seems to be the only way I agree, just a shame that I can not remove the "Step G Grandmother" appellation.
              Andrew Allsop


                Re: Unrelated Person

                Originally posted by Allsop View Post
                My Great-Grandfather in later life had a live-in housekeeper whom I want to research so I have entered her into Reunion but the only way to do this seems to be to include her as a spouse of my Great-Grandfather which is less than satisfactory. Is there a way to have her appear in Reunion as an unrelated entry? Thanks for any help.
                Surprised with the "how to" answers above. The first thing that I would ask is whether or not there was a relationship more intimate than she being his housekeeper. e.g. Did they live as husband and wife? If not, in my opinion, she doesn't belong showing as part of the family. I would only mention, in Notes, information about her and that she took good care of great-grandfather. My two pennies!
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Re: Unrelated Person

                  Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                  Surprised with the "how to" answers above. The first thing that I would ask is whether or not there was a relationship more intimate than she being his housekeeper. e.g. Did they live as husband and wife? If not, in my opinion, she doesn't belong showing as part of the family. I would only mention, in Notes, information about her and that she took good care of great-grandfather. My two pennies!
                  Thank you Bob that was my thought of course and I need to do more research but we are talking about the period between 1911 to 1939, or possibly 1931 to 1939. Sometime during the period 1911 to early 1931 my G-Grandparents moved house and my G-Gmother died at the new residents in Feb. 1931, whether or not the "Housekeeper" was living there during this period I do not know but she appears in the 1939 Register. Any ideas how to dig further into this would be greatly appreciated.
                  Andrew Allsop


                    Re: Unrelated Person

                    Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                    Surprised with the "how to" answers above. The first thing that I would ask is whether or not there was a relationship more intimate than she being his housekeeper. e.g. Did they live as husband and wife? If not, in my opinion, she doesn't belong showing as part of the family. I would only mention, in Notes, information about her and that she took good care of great-grandfather. My two pennies!
                    There are many reasons to have an "unrelated person" in a file and it is simple to do. At the top of the screen under EDIT slide down to "Add unrelated person". I call them "floaters" in my file since they are not tethered to any particular person - but they could be - if more information arrives. Equally they could be tossed into the clipboard and deleted if desired.

