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Searching for family files

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    Searching for family files

    Reunion 12 use to open showing my family files to chose from. Now a box comes up showing document files in iCloud. I have to go to the documents folder on my Mac to see the family files. Why can’t it open to the folder by default? I can not find any settings to change this behavior.

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    Re: Searching for family files

    Originally posted by Al mitchell View Post
    Reunion 12 use to open showing my family files to chose from. Now a box comes up showing document files in iCloud. I have to go to the documents folder on my Mac to see the family files. Why can’t it open to the folder by default? I can not find any settings to change this behavior.
    Please share how you are opening the file... Icon in Applications folder, alias in the Dock, from a menu in something like Default Folder or UBar, etc....
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Re: Searching for family files

      It doesn’t matter whether I open the app from the alias or app folder. Same result. It does not default to the reunion folder. I have to go to recents to open anything. It appears that the reunion folder is in dropbox. I use reunion touch on the iPad but not on my computer. I checked my preferences and it is set to open reunion files but it does not seem to know where to find it.

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        Re: Searching for family files

        Originally posted by Al mitchell View Post
        It doesn’t matter whether I open the app from the alias or app folder. Same result. It does not default to the reunion folder. I have to go to recents to open anything. It appears that the reunion folder is in dropbox. I use reunion touch on the iPad but not on my computer. I checked my preferences and it is set to open reunion files but it does not seem to know where to find it.
        You should only have your family file(s) in the Dropbox folder--Not the whole Reunion folder! (the folder belongs in your Applications)
        You may, as I do, have an alias of the family file in the dock.
        rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


          Re: Searching for family files

          By default, the Reunion app installs into the Applications folder while the Reunion Files folder installs into the Documents folder. If you have the folder in Applications, you moved it there at some point in time. Could be several versions ago!
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Re: Searching for family files

            Originally posted by SGilbert View Post
            Not the whole Reunion folder! (the folder belongs in your Applications)
            Having the whole Reunion Files folder in Dropbox is perfectly fine. Additionally, the Reunion Files folder shouldn't be in Applications. By default, the Reunion Files folder would be in Documents.

            The only thing that should be in Applications is the Reunion application.

            Originally posted by Al mitchell View Post
            I checked my preferences and it is set to open reunion files but it does not seem to know where to find it.
            It is most likely set to display the Reunion Files folder that was in your Documents folder - that folder is no longer there, and is in Dropbox instead. If Reunion can't find the Reunion Files folder in Documents, it will default to Documents.

            You should go to:

            Reunion -> Preferences... , Folders, Family Files

            And click "Choose Other Folder..." then locate and select the Reunion Files folder that is in your Dropbox folder, and click "Select". In most cases Dropbox will be listed under Favorites on the left of this window - if not, go to your users Home folder (house icon with your username beside it), the Dropbox folder should be in there.

            Mark Harrison
            Leister Productions, Inc.


              Re: Searching for family files

              So noted, Mark.

              You said: "Additionally, the Reunion Files folder shouldn't be in Applications. By default, the Reunion Files folder would be in Documents.
              The only thing that should be in Applications is the Reunion application."

              Any reason NOT to be in Applications?
              rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


                Re: Searching for family files

                Originally posted by SGilbert View Post
                Any reason NOT to be in Applications?
                Well, first, it's Apple's own design that only applications go in the Applications folder.

                Second, the Applications folder has different permissions: only administrator accounts have Read & Write access by default, so if your account isn't an admin you may run into problems modifying data files stored in Applications.

                And third, Applications acts differently than other folders - for example, if you try to drag something out of Applications (in recent versions of macOS) you'll, by default, get an alias instead of moving the item. This has been a problem for some users when setting up syncing via Dropbox: they end up with an alias in the Dropbox folder, which can't be downloaded to ReunionTouch. You have to hold down the Command key while dragging the file to actually move it.

                In general, macOS is designed with the intent that data files be stored inside your users Home folder (or your iCloud, which is technically inside your users Home folder) and nowhere else.

                Mark Harrison
                Leister Productions, Inc.

