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Web Card Format with Reunion 12

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    Web Card Format with Reunion 12

    This may have been covered but I cannot find it on the forum. I upgraded to 12 a few weeks ago. Yesterday I decided to update the web cards on my internet family file. Of course, understandably, there is a learning curve to recognize and deal with the differences between the 12 and 11 web card generator.

    I think I have it mostly mastered but one thing eludes me. My cards now have a big bold title on each page. For example: and How can I not have this bold title, which is not attractive and adds no value?

    Also, I had customized my entry page as follows:

    How can I put this content in the new format of the rest of my cards?
    Clayton Heathcock

    Re: Web Card Format with Reunion 12

    I have spend a lot of time reviewing this issue and conclude that with Reunion 12 the bold titles I don't like are just a part of life, so I will live with them.

    But how to I customize so that the titles at least make some sense? When I open the Web Project tab under Reports, the box by Title is pre-populated with "Family Card". If I generate web cards without changing this the new family cards and person sheets have big bold titles of "Family Card - Family Card" and "Family Card - Person Sheets".

    If I change the name to, for example, "New Family Cards, date", the new family cards and person sheets have big bold titles of "New Family Cards, date - Family Card" and "New Family Cards, date - Person Sheets".

    If I simply delete the pre-populated "Family Card" text from the Title box, the printed titles on the new family cards and person sheets are "Family Card - Family Card" and "Family Card - Person Sheets", just as though I left the text there.

    These big bold titles do not add useful content, are distracting to the viewer, and can even be misleading. This improvement is definitely a step back.
    Clayton Heathcock


      Re: Web Card Format with Reunion 12

      Originally posted by Clayton Heathcock View Post
      But how to I customize so that the titles at least make some sense? When I open the Web Project tab under Reports, the box by Title is pre-populated with "Family Card". If I generate web cards without changing this the new family cards and person sheets have big bold titles of "Family Card - Family Card" and "Family Card - Person Sheets".
      The second portion of these titles (" - Family Card", " - Person Sheets") can not be changed/removed. It's worth noting these titles have been present since Reunion 10, this is not something new in 12.

      Note that you can make the first portion of this anything you'd like. Most people (from what I've seen) use it to put their family name(s)/website title on the cards, e.g. "Harrison Genealogy".

      That being said, you could edit the CSS to hide the titles completely. In the "css" folder of the created web project, look for the lp_container.css file and open it in a text editor (e.g. TextEdit), then scroll down to the bottom where you should see:

      	/* show the report title in the body of the report */
      	.pageTitle, .tocTitle
      		visibility: visible;
      		height: 38px;
      		line-height: 38px;
      Change "visible" to "hidden" and the title won't show anymore, though the space where it would show will still be present.

      Mark Harrison
      Leister Productions, Inc.


        Re: Web Card Format with Reunion 12

        Thank you Mark.

        Mea culpa. I know that the web cards and person sheets have always (or at least as long as I have been generating them) had the title "Family Card" or "Person Sheet". It is the two-part title that I thought was new to Reunion 12.

        In any event, I don't really like the two-part title. My database has about 10,000 people, many of whom are not really related to me. They are members of the ancestral trees of my former spouses, the spouses of my children, and even multi-generation families that I researched and documented, but eventually discovered have no known connection to my family. If someone someday searches out one of these people and finds a family card or person sheet with the title "Heathcock Genealogy - Family Card" this does not convey useful information and is actually distracting because it isn't really true.

        So my choice would be to retain the simple "Family Card" or "Person Sheet" title but make the first part of the title voluntary, something you can select or not select when setting up the web card parameters.

        I will play around with the CSS code but I probably won't like removing the title text but leaving an empty space where it would have been.

        Finally, I love Reunion and especially that you can generate web cards. I am a long-time user.
        Clayton Heathcock


          Re: Web Card Format with Reunion 12

          Originally posted by Clayton Heathcock View Post
          So my choice would be to retain the simple "Family Card" or "Person Sheet" title but make the first part of the title voluntary
          I'll add this to our wish list for consideration.

          I probably won't like removing the title text but leaving an empty space where it would have been.
          It should be possible to get rid of the empty space, too, but that would require more CSS editing than I'd want to get into here. If you're interested in instructions send me an email at

          Mark Harrison
          Leister Productions, Inc.

