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Married Married Name

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    Married Married Name

    I would appreciate some advice. I am about to enter a new record in Reunion for Sarah Ann Yardley Cadwallader. My problem is, Sarah Ann's maiden name is Yardley. So, in the First & mid Name field, I enter Sarah Ann. In the Last Name field I enter ?. Yardley is the maiden name, and I would like to be able to show that fact. So if I put Yardley in the Last Name field, where, then, does Cadwallader go? Or if I put Cadwallader in the Last Name field, where do I put Yardley to show that as a maiden name?

    I don't have very much information about her, so I am assuming that she married a Mr. Cadwallader before she married Timothy Taylor, my wife's 5G grandfather.

    I am hoping there is a standard way of doing this in Reunion, and would love to be educated.

    -----===== Bill =====-----

    Re: Married Married Name

    Originally posted by Bill Guion View Post
    I would appreciate some advice. I am about to enter a new record in Reunion for Sarah Ann Yardley Cadwallader. My problem is, Sarah Ann's maiden name is Yardley. So, in the First & mid Name field, I enter Sarah Ann. In the Last Name field I enter ?. Yardley is the maiden name, and I would like to be able to show that fact. So if I put Yardley in the Last Name field, where, then, does Cadwallader go? Or if I put Cadwallader in the Last Name field, where do I put Yardley to show that as a maiden name?

    I don't have very much information about her, so I am assuming that she married a Mr. Cadwallader before she married Timothy Taylor, my wife's 5G grandfather.

    I am hoping there is a standard way of doing this in Reunion, and would love to be educated.

    -----===== Bill =====-----
    Create a card with her name as Sarah Ann (first name middle name) Yardley (last name).
    Then create a marriage with a 'Mr' or 'Unknown' or whatever term you want to use for a person whose name you don't know. Enter his last name as Caldwallader.
    Then create a 2nd marriage for Sarah to Timothy (first name) Taylor (last name).


      Re: Married Married Name

      Originally posted by Kim View Post
      Create a card with her name as Sarah Ann (first name middle name) Yardley (last name).
      Then create a marriage with a 'Mr' or 'Unknown' or whatever term you want to use for a person whose name you don't know. Enter his last name as Caldwallader.
      Then create a 2nd marriage for Sarah to Timothy (first name) Taylor (last name).
      Yes, that's the way I would do it, but I'd like to add that when you know a married name but don't know that it resulted from marriage to a man of that name you can enter it in the "married name" field and it will show at appropriate places.

      I know that's not really clear without an example. If Ruth Smith marries Brian Jones and they decide to hyphenate their names, so that after marriage, each is a "Jones-Smith", you can enter "Jones-Smith" in the "married name" field on each of their cards.
      Dennis J. Cunniff
      Click here to email me


        Re: Married Married Name

        I think perhaps it may be more clear to say to click on the + sign next to Sarah Ann and choose the appropriate method of adding a spouse. On the resulting family card, one would enter the known last name of Caldwallader in the last name field and whatever their preferred style is for unknown in the First/Mid Ini field. (Some people enter a ?; some use the word Unknown; some... ) (This is saying the same thing as Kim and Dennis.)
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: Married Married Name

          Originally posted by Bob White View Post
          I think perhaps it may be more clear to say to click on the + sign next to Sarah Ann and choose the appropriate method of adding a spouse. On the resulting family card, one would enter the known last name of Caldwallader in the last name field and whatever their preferred style is for unknown in the First/Mid Ini field. (Some people enter a ?; some use the word Unknown; some... ) (This is saying the same thing as Kim and Dennis.)
          Bob, Dennis, Kim,
          You guys rock. Thank you all very much. I had not thought of this, but I'm going to plead tiredness. Regardless, this will work and I'll proceed as soon as I post this.

          -----===== Bill =====-----


            Re: Married Married Name

            Originally posted by Dennis J. Cunniff View Post
            Yes, that's the way I would do it, but I'd like to add that when you know a married name but don't know that it resulted from marriage to a man of that name you can enter it in the "married name" field and it will show at appropriate places.
            I often have a couple without marriage date - so do not know that they actually married. My go-to is the marriage date field where I can choose Unmarried, common law, civil, domestic partnership. I choose "Unmarried" and in the memo field I make a note "marriage not found - yet." Reports show the spouse, or 'another' spouse, but the memo field shows that a marriage has not yet been found. Works for me!

