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Create Generic source

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    Create Generic source

    Sorry for the continued questions but I'm new to Reunion and only just getting to grips with it.

    I wish to create a generic source that will then apply with variations to several individuals in a family. Each of these would refer to the same source, but each would have a specific variant of that source.

    For example: England Census 1881 - this is the generic source.

    Person 1 source/citation: England Census 1881: Aston, Birmingham. Folio, 82., P 36.
    Person 2 source/citation: England Census 1881: Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Folio 26., P 45

    When viewing the individual, each would have the same source - the 1881 Census - but each would then have their own specific variant of that source.

    Is this possible? The alternative is to have the 1881 Census with each variant as separate souces and I'm sure there must be a better way.

    Re: Create Generic source

    Originally posted by Tacitus View Post
    Sorry for the continued questions but I'm new to Reunion and only just getting to grips with it.

    I wish to create a generic source that will then apply with variations to several individuals in a family. Each of these would refer to the same source, but each would have a specific variant of that source.

    For example: England Census 1881 - this is the generic source.

    Person 1 source/citation: England Census 1881: Aston, Birmingham. Folio, 82., P 36.
    Person 2 source/citation: England Census 1881: Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Folio 26., P 45

    When viewing the individual, each would have the same source - the 1881 Census - but each would then have their own specific variant of that source.

    Is this possible? The alternative is to have the 1881 Census with each variant as separate souces and I'm sure there must be a better way.
    Put "Aston, Birmingham. Folio, 82., P 36." or "Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Folio 26., P 45" in the "detail field" as you add the source to each record.

    You'll find more information if you search the manual for "More Detail about Detail" or "Using the Detail Field".
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Create Generic source

      Originally posted by Dennis J. Cunniff View Post
      Put "Aston, Birmingham. Folio, 82., P 36." or "Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Folio 26., P 45" in the "detail field" as you add the source to each record.

      You'll find more information if you search the manual for "More Detail about Detail" or "Using the Detail Field".
      I've used this technique extensively over the years, for censuses, GRO Index references and suchlike.

      For censuses I always put Piece XXXX Folio YY Page ZZ, because a town of any size will have many pieces in any census. The 1911 census doesn't follow this pattern so copy and paste the full citation.

      For GRO index entries I put eg Births Sep 1903, Sheffield 9c 217.

      If you don't do something like this you will end up with many thousands of similar sources!


        Re: Create Generic source

        However if you want to store an image of the relevant page with the source, then having each source separate makes it easier to identify which image is relevant.

        For censuses I do store the image and so I have a separate source for each instance. For GRO records I just record the details in the "citation" and do not save an image of the GRO record.


          Re: Create Generic source

          Thak you to all for the suggestions.

          Qutie simple really with the 1881 Census as generic source and then the specific reference in the detail field. If each was an individual source they can soon add up to a great many.

          The one caveat is that of attaching a document image which does mean they become individual sources, so it is something I shall have to think about. A shame there is no way of attaching documents in the detail field.

          Thanks again.


            Re: Create Generic source

            Originally posted by Tacitus View Post
            Thak you to all for the suggestions.
            Qutie simple really with the 1881 Census as generic source and then the specific reference in the detail field. If each was an individual source they can soon add up to a great many.
            Which is no problem whatsoever, and as others have said, convenient for attaching the right image.


              Re: Create Generic source

              Originally posted by A Hougie View Post
              However if you want to store an image of the relevant page with the source, then having each source separate makes it easier to identify which image is relevant.

              For censuses I do store the image and so I have a separate source for each instance. For GRO records I just record the details in the "citation" and do not save an image of the GRO record.
              I have stored a good many census images in my time, but gave up a while ago. However, I do not print them all off, nor do I file them with a specific source. The mages are kept in a dedicated folder, each census within its own sub-folder, and each image given a title like "RG9/123 f 66 p 32 Charlotte P Pease". Printed copies also live in separate folders, one per census, in piece/folio/page order.

              This enables me to cross-refer the Reunion source , the image and the printed copy where I have bothered with the latter.


                Re: Create Generic source

                As old timers here know, I don't use Reunion's built-in sourcing as I prefer the footnote style I learned a godawful number of years ago in writing a ton of term papers in high school and college.

                I do something that might be useful to all. I have a general source note where I just type over the placeholder letters. The idea is to enable a future researcher, using my notes, to find the same census sheet efficiently. I do one each for sheets found for a person and I do not store any sheets either physically or on my Mac.

                Here it is: Federal Census: Year: NNNN Place: aaa, aaa, aaa Roll: NNN Page: NNN District: NN Image: XXXX.

                Sample completed note: Federal Census: Year: 1930; Place: Oroville, Butte, California; Roll: 113; Page: 30A; District: 35.
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Re: Create Generic source

                  Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                  As old timers here know, I don't use Reunion's built-in sourcing as I prefer the footnote style I learned a godawful number of years ago in writing a ton of term papers in high school and college.
                  I'm familiar with the footnote system from my time as an undergrad and postgrad student, but thought Genealogy had its own quirks and peculiarites. By comparison Hart's Rules and the Chicago Style Manual are simplicity itself.

                  One thing that has puzzled me is where Reunion uses the formatted citations. Or is it simply a case of copy/paste and insert the formatted text in your own document? It all seems a bit clunky.

