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Keeping duplicate branches

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    Keeping duplicate branches

    I like to use the "Find relationship between two people" option and I'd like to keep the duplicate branches in my chart. How do I change the default settings so that the duplicate branches are not removed?

    Re: Keeping duplicate branches

    The Find Relationship function does not add or delete any records (or anything) to/from your Reunion database.

    Perhaps you need to better define your question. Especially what you mean by duplicate branches.
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Re: Keeping duplicate branches

      Originally posted by Bob White View Post
      The Find Relationship function does not add or delete any records (or anything) to/from your Reunion database.

      Perhaps you need to better define your question. Especially what you mean by duplicate branches.
      Thank you for trying to understand my question, Bob. By duplicate branches, I mean when descendants of siblings or cousins appear more than once in a descendant report.

      In the help menu under "Pruning and Duplication," it states that Reunion notes with double asterisks (**) and removes duplicate branches if the "remove duplicates" button is checked. This is what happens in my report. However, my "remove duplicates" button is NOT checked in the Reports/Descendant panel.

      "Finding the Relationship Between Two People" in the help menu does not mention how to keep or to remove duplicate branches.

      I really hope that someone has a solution to this problem.


        Re: Keeping duplicate branches

        Originally posted by lianmait View Post
        Thank you for trying to understand my question, Bob. By duplicate branches, I mean when descendants of siblings or cousins appear more than once in a descendant report.

        In the help menu under "Pruning and Duplication," it states that Reunion notes with double asterisks (**) and removes duplicate branches if the "remove duplicates" button is checked. This is what happens in my report. However, my "remove duplicates" button is NOT checked in the Reports/Descendant panel.

        "Finding the Relationship Between Two People" in the help menu does not mention how to keep or to remove duplicate branches.

        I really hope that someone has a solution to this problem.
        In your original post said that you wanted to keep the duplicate people in your chart. There is a separate similar checkbox in the Charts/Descendant options. This can be configured differently than the Reports/Descendant option. How is that set?
        Howard Fink


          Re: Keeping duplicate branches

          I'm going to guess that the find relationship function finds the shortest route between two people and calls it good.

          If you want to include all the possible paths, I'd recommend you simply go to the Charts panel and create a descendant chart starting with the common ancestor (remove duplicates unchecked, of course). Once you have the chart, you can either delete the unwanted branches or edit boxes/connecting lines to highlight the connections of interest.
          Last edited by ttl; 20 September 2018, 10:04 AM.
          Tim Lundin
          Heartland Family Graphics


            Re: Keeping duplicate branches

            Originally posted by Howard Fink View Post
            In your original post said that you wanted to keep the duplicate people in your chart. There is a separate similar checkbox in the Charts/Descendant options. This can be configured differently than the Reports/Descendant option. How is that set?
            In both options, the "Remove duplicates" is unticked, yet the duplicates are removed.


              Re: Keeping duplicate branches

              Originally posted by ttl View Post
              I'm going to guess that the find relationship function finds the shortest route between two people and calls it good.

              If you want to include all the possible paths, I'd recommend you simply go to the Charts panel and create a descendant chart starting with the common ancestor (remove duplicates unchecked, of course). Once you have the chart, you can either delete the unwanted branches or edit boxes/connecting lines to highlight the connections of interest.
              It is starting to seem like that might be the only way to do it, but this will be a lot of work for my situation. The "Find Relationship Between Two People" chart with the duplicates removed is 20 pages but the "Descendant Chart" with the descendants included is 566 pages.

              If there isn't a way of keeping the duplicates in the "Find Relationship Between Two People" chart, it seems that the better solution is to copy and paste the missing duplicated boxes where they should be.

              Really, there must be a way to keep the duplicates in the chart within the program? Three genealogist friends have looked at my chart with the ** and not understood why the line continued to the target person once but stopped the other 10 times.

