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Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

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    Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

    I have used Reunion on my iMac and my laptop since it was released and Reunion Touch on my iPad since it was released. I am very pleased with the operation of both programs. I am from the old school "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Will someone please, with as few words as possible, summarize the advantages of upgrading?

    Your help and understanding will be greatly appreciated


    Re: Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

    Originally posted by rascal View Post
    I have used Reunion on my iMac and my laptop since it was released and Reunion Touch on my iPad since it was released. I am very pleased with the operation of both programs. I am from the old school "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Will someone please, with as few words as possible, summarize the advantages of upgrading?
    More than 80 new features were added in Reunion 12. A listing of those new features (and a video highlighting the top 10) can be found here.

    We believe the video provides a great summary
    Deb Stuller
    Leister Productions Inc.


      Re: Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

      For me this was - and is - a hardware/operating system problem. I was using a 17" iMac running OSX10.6.8 and an iPad2 with OS9 to run Reunion 11.

      Unfortuately Dropbox decided to remove support for OSX10.6.8 so I was forced to more to a new 21.5" iMac running 10.13.6 to get Dropbox back. I was about to updgrade to Reunion 12 when I noticed that the new version used a different file format, and this would not be supported on the iPad2. Therefore I am stuck in Reunion 11 until I can afford a new iPad.

      Very frustrating as I have been using Reunion ever since it was launched and there is nothing else like it.



        Re: Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

        R12 is ever-so much better when dealing with a complicated family though it would still benefit from some kind of 'tentative link' semi-relationship.


          Re: Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

          Originally posted by rascal View Post
          ...... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." ........
          Doesn't usually work very well with computers (incl. smartphone, tablets, etc..). Also, one needs to factor in what one's needs are other than one single program. Share the specifics about which Mac, which iDevice, which OS each is using. Also, which word processor you use for Reunion's reports... With that information, RT members can give a more substantial response.
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Re: Do I really need to upgrade to Reunion 12

            Originally posted by brian rich View Post
            I was about to updgrade to Reunion 12 when I noticed that the new version used a different file format, and this would not be supported on the iPad2.
            I don't believe there's anything in Reunion 12 that should keep you from being able to use it to sync with ReunionTouch on an iPad 2 -- if ReunionTouch is currently functioning on your iPad 2, it should work with Reunion 12 just the same as it currently does with Reunion 11.

            Mark Harrison
            Leister Productions, Inc.

