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    In the family view at first it was showing Children and my husband as the older brother because his age was more than his brother, who has been dead for 10 years. It just says Age. This is very confusing. It took me some time with the preferences to fix this.

    I also have a person born in 1848 where it says 'Age?' at the birth date. He should surely be considered dead and no age shown. I don't have a death date.

    Also, in the family view, even when it's quite correct (when birth and death dates are known) it shows Age on the right side opposite either the birth or death date. It would be much better if the Age opposite the death date could be "Age at death" or something because the Age is far to the right and the eye doesn't always pick up that it's opposite the death date.

    Is there a way to show 'Age at death' instead of just 'Age'?

    Re: Age

    I'm interested in this too as it struck me as odd at first until I looked more closely.

    Can I ask what you changed in the preferences please? Did it make it look any clearer?


      Re: Age

      Sounds like both of you need to check your "Feasibility Checking" in the preferences. I don't remember if what I'm showing is the default or not but I have never encountered this "Age?" thing.
      Attached Files
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        Re: Age

        In Family View/Default for all 3 categories, I removed the Age field. To show the age in a more easily understood way, in the Child button default I made the Birth – Death field "show age". The same in the Parent button. In the Couples default for Inside the Button, I removed Age, but if you want to see the age you can add the Birth–Death field and click "show age".

        The Parents Default has Age in it, and "Exclude Empty Fields" unchecked, which in my file caused a man born in 1848 with no death date to show as "Age?" Checking the "exclude empty fields" box stops this. No age is shown then.

        But if people who are known to have died, or who can be presumed to have died, could have "age at death" instead of just "Age" it would solve my problem without so many workarounds. It would be good also to have a way of showing that a person is dead even if the death date is not known. Is there? Maybe I missed it.


          Re: Age

          It happens in the Default Parents because in the Parents dialog "Age" is shown, and "exclude empty fields" is unchecked. When the death date is not known, it results in Age? This is happening in my file even when the person would be over 110 years old.


            Re: Age

            Originally posted by M B View Post
            It would be good also to have a way of showing that a person is dead even if the death date is not known. Is there? Maybe I missed it.
            You can enter anything at all in the Death Date field to indicate this. I like to use a question mark. This will show that they have died but you don't know the date, and possibly more importantly, will cause most apps and GEDCOM tree analysis to recognize that the person is dead and so therefore not consider them "living" when assigning privacy status to each person.
            Howard Fink

