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Events in Charts

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    Events in Charts

    I have the chart saying "born", but it shows on the chart with a full stop after it. Also, if I put the place of birth on a separate line and put "in" it shows as "in." with a full stop. Since neither of these are abbreviations, there shouldn't be a full stop.

    In the preferences, it shows that with "Verb Date Place" chosen, and the verb "Born", the place "in", the result should be "Born on 23 Dec 2018 in Pennsylvania". I'm not getting this. I'm getting "born. 23 Dec 2018, Pennsylvania" which would be fine except for the full stop after "born" (although the "in" is missing). Also, if I put the place on a separate line, I get "in. Pennsylvania" making "in" an abbreviation.

    Is there another preference I need to check to get what I'm supposed to get?

    Re: Events in Charts

    Reunion charts don't have a narrative form option. They will use the short form for date and place abbreviation Field Preferences and will always be treated as abbreviations. If you'd like to revert to the defaults, they're b and bp for birth and birth place; d and dp for death and death place.
    Tim Lundin
    Heartland Family Graphics


      Re: Events in Charts

      I don't like those abbreviations though. The relatives I make the charts for would probably have no idea what bp. meant. I was able to choose "born" and "in" for the charts, which was fine, and it looks better. I just wish that the full stop wasn't compulsory. Being able to use a word up to 6 characters allows me to put in a different language if I want. It's great except for the compulsory full stop.

      I do realise that it's supposed to be an abbreviation, which is why the full stop is added. It would be great though if there were a way of indicating that you didn't want the full stop when you just put a whole short word like "in". Or indeed if I put in an alternative to the default, it could be up to me to put a full stop if necessary.

