Is this an efficient workflow for archiving paper copies of British birth certificates?
1) Scan both ends of this extra-long form as temporary tiff files, then stitch both sides together with Panorama Stitcher and archive single tiff as original.
2) Convert tiff to pdf using Preview and store pdf as Reunion Document. Add auxiliary scans such as annotated envelops or notes on back as additional pages to the pdf.
3) Cite pdf in Reunion as Birth Source.
This seems to create large files though, as the pdfs are still fairly large. Should I convert them to black and white instead of keeping the color of the red ink entries and the background sepia these hundred-year old certificates have gained?
Thank you for any advice.
1) Scan both ends of this extra-long form as temporary tiff files, then stitch both sides together with Panorama Stitcher and archive single tiff as original.
2) Convert tiff to pdf using Preview and store pdf as Reunion Document. Add auxiliary scans such as annotated envelops or notes on back as additional pages to the pdf.
3) Cite pdf in Reunion as Birth Source.
This seems to create large files though, as the pdfs are still fairly large. Should I convert them to black and white instead of keeping the color of the red ink entries and the background sepia these hundred-year old certificates have gained?
Thank you for any advice.