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    I'm thinking about starting a Research Log and wanted to get everyone's thoughts. I'm torn between using the Logs feature in Reunion and creating my own document in Google Sheets.

    Not having done this before,I like the fact that you can set it up in Reuinon so my lazy self won't have to open another doc and it seems easy to use. That said, it doesn't have columns to make it easier to read or to sort data.

    I'm wondering if any of you are using the log feature and how it works for all of you - pros, cons, etc.

    Last edited by eventide; 27 January 2019, 03:34 PM.

    Giving this a bump, I'd really like to get everyone's take on this.


      The Logs feature in Reunion can indeed be used for keeping track of your research activity, but it will not be neat and tidy. Fortunately, you can have as many log entries as you wish, which does help with the organization of these entries. That said, you might be better off using Excel or other “spreadsheet” style application for keeping a running research log. But I took a totally different route, by making my own research log via the FileMaker Pro database program. The summary notes for a run-time version of this database are as follows:

      This Genealogy Research Log is designed to allow researchers to record their research progress by tracking more than 1000 common pieces of source material in seventeen categories. Within each category, you will be able to see your progress at a glance.

      Each person has its own record and will accommodate thousands of pieces of data in a wide range of sources. You can also enter data for as many spouses per individual as necessary.

      As with all databases, this base is easily interrogated and includes four important fields per document:
      1) Has the information been found or not
      2) A place for notes
      3) Have you recorded the data into your Genealogical Application
      4) The identifying Document / Source number you assign for ready access in your paper files

      For each portal entry status:
      Located Evidence has been located & obtained
      Pending Evidence has been located, not obtained
      Not Found Evidence has not been / cannot be found
      Does not Exist Evidence does not exist
      Not applicable Evidence would be outside the Birth-Death date range for the individual

      Both the List and Data Sheet print pages require legal sized paper

      I offer this run-time application for free to anyone willing to test it and report any feedback they wish to give. My private email is <apalmer6 AT>.


        Thanks Arnold. I'll send you an email.

