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Age at marriage

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    Age at marriage

    Bonjour! I would like to know how many girls were married before the age of 14. Although age is the result of a calculation, is it possible to set up search criteria? Thank you!
    Michèle Bergeron


    If you just want a count, you should be able to use the Statistics Report and set the criteria to Show Age at First Marriage. The matrix that appears will be a summary and breakdown of the ages and the number of males and females for each age. To see who the people are you can double-click any of the lines and the list will appear at the right, but you would have to do this expansion separately for each age in the list.



      Thank you very much Alan! It works very well. Have a nice week end!
      Michèle Bergeron


        I'm glad this helped. I should have mentioned that age calculations are available for the Find function under Attributes. For example:

        Find - Conditions: [Attributes - Age at First Marriage less than 14] AND [Attributes - Sex is Female].

        There doesn't seem to be an Age at Death attribute, but the search criteria for that are Attributes - Age [whatever condition you want] AND Attributes - Living No.

        The Statistics Report has an Age at Death but it doesn't seem to work correctly. It uses Age equals [whatever number is selected in the breakdown] AND Living Yes, which 1) finds only living people and 2) returns counts in the age breakdown that don't equal the number of matches or that may not even have a match in the database. The correct condition for death statistics appears to be Show Age Current For people who are Not Living.

