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Using privacy filter on marriage data

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    Using privacy filter on marriage data

    I want to keep marriage data on a couple private (marriage was annulled and info on the marriage in not generally known. I am putting together a relative chart. I can keep the groom's name private (which I want to do), but neither privacy or sensitivity filters seem to be able to keep the marriage info (date and location of marriage and status as annulled) private. Is there any way I can do this short of excising the information from my database?

    Forget it - the marriage data does not show up in my relative chart anyway.



      "I want to keep marriage data on a couple private (marriage was annulled and info on the marriage in not generally known. I am putting together a relative chart. I can keep the groom's name private (which I want to do), but neither privacy or sensitivity filters seem to be able to keep the marriage info (date and location of marriage and status as annulled) private. Is there any way I can do this short of excising the information from my database?"

      O. K. - now that I've determined that marriage dates, places, etc. do not show up on my relative chart, the groom, whose existence I want to totally hide, now shows up as "Private."
      I don't want him to show up at all. How to I get Reunion to totally ignore the fact that he ever existed. The fact that "Private" appears signifies that there was a groom.

      I know I can just remove his data from my database, but if I start removing things, I run the risk of forgetting to put removed data back in. What I'd like is an option to show nothing as an alternate to having Private show up.


        I have found the privacy setting capabilities somewhat lacking and therefore put a request in the wish list to enable different privacy actions to be taken based on particular criteria. So far, (months) no one has responded to this wish list item, so I assume I am alone in the need for this capability and am not holding my breath until it is implemented. What I do each time, before making web cards, is to make a copy of the whole file and, then, use the copy to make the privacy changes by hand. I make the web cards, then throw the copy file away.


          I would never make web cards of living people, and, expect others are like me . . . better privacy filtering would be good, but, not hugely necessary/helpful to me.
          Mary Arthur


            I too am searching for a way to keep 'Private' information hidden. Oh, the DNA. I have discovered a DNA link that from all I know, may not have been known by the parents or children, but I know. If I add the child to the parents, this relationship appears in the family tree. Is the only method to make it secret is to add a private note to the parents, but not have the biological parents listed for the child?

