I'm asked to update my Reunion 12 but where can I find information about what is fixed/changed? Has anyone installed the update and were there any problems?
No announcement yet.
Maintenance update 22 July 2019
This page has a list of fixes
To get there go to Help in Reunion's menu bar, and select the last Item "Reunion 12 Support Page..."
Click on the first link on that page
Click here to get the latest update of Reunion 12
Click on the last link on that page
Fixes and changes (maintenance update release notes).
The top of that page says what the date is in the build number (currently it's 190722)
It's August 12 and my iMac just told me a Reunion update is available so I "did it" and the Reunion Get Info tells me I now have build 190722. Is that still the most recent update? Was kind of surprised looking at Reunion Talk to see that 190722 was available a few weeks ago and I hadn't done anything about it (or been alerted by my iMac about it) sooner...just want reassurance 190722 is THE most recent. Thanks!
The Fixes and Changes link that Roger listed above is the place to check. It shows 190722 as the most current release.
You can also check from the Help menu in Reunion -- Check for Updates... Additionally, in the dialog window that appears when you use that command, there is a popup menu for you to choose how often that you would like the application to automatically check for updates.Last edited by Bob White; 11 August 2019, 05:59 PM.Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT