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Gedcom exported from Reunion is missing gender on a large portion of people

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    Gedcom exported from Reunion is missing gender on a large portion of people

    I exported a gedcom from Reunion and imported it into a new family file. I noticed that with a number of people, the gender didn't come through. Is there something that I missed in preparing the gedcom? They all had their gender identified in the original file. Thank you!

    When exporting the GEDCOM, did you check the option to "Use privacy filtering"?

    The only thing that should cause sex to not be included in an exported GEDCOM (that I'm aware of) is if you apply privacy filtering to the export. In that case, any entries that were privatized would not have their sex exported if the "Indicate sex" option is not checked in:

    Reunion -> Preferences... , Privacy & Sensitivity, Privacy

    Otherwise, I'm not sure why sex would not be included. If you did not select to use privacy filtering, we'd be interested in seeing the exported GEDCOM file -- you can send it to:

    Mark Harrison
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Hi Mark, Yes, I did click on "Use Privacy Filtering". Thanks for answering my question!

