Curious to know if anyone has a clever way of identifying flagging people in their trees, and using a field for contact details....
In Family View, if you click on 'Edit' then 'Contact Info...' and then the help '?' at bottom left of the pop-up box, you find full instructions on this topic.
Peter Cook
Rossmoyne, Western Australia
OSX 10.13.6 & iOS 12.4.6; Reunion 12.0 [200602];ReunionTouch 1.0.15
I was wondering where the contact information shows up in the information for the person. I know how to enter it and that there is a sidebar for it also- but I don't see it anywhere attached to the person (although I do in Reunion Touch). I'm trying to decide if I want to even use this feature. I was thinking I could be looking at a DNA match's screen and would want to quickly send them an email (email address already entered)- where would I see it besides in the edit contact info screen? What am I missing?