Where do I store Photos or pdf files I have added to Reunion Multimedia?
Hi everyone I would like to know where is the best place for Images or pdf files that I add to y Reunion Family File to be stored. ? Photos ? Reunion Files? different folder?
Thank you
The overall correct answer is "anywhere on your Mac"..... However, it is good practice and sanity saving to store all of them in one place. In my case, I store all of them in the Reunion Pictures folder within the Reunion Files folder. I do have some sub-folders in that Pictures folder. Hopefully, several members will respond with their advice and you' ll end up finding a method that works good for you.
Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT
In addition to what Bob White said, I keep an alias to the picture folder on my desktop to make it easier to get to.
I rename picture/screenshot/document, drop into picture folder, then drop onto Reunion in the appropriate spot.
I have one folder named "111 Reunion Genealogy". easily findable with a desktop alias but also within the main "Pictures" folder. Within that one folder there are many numbered subfolders based on ahnentafel #s. ie I'm 1 (with me, my son and his Dad who has a subfolder there with docs on his ancestors); 2 my dad ie "2 Clyde Cox jr". This contains he alone or with my Mom and their children/ my siblings. #3 my mom; 4 my Dad's dad and children; 5 my Dad's mom ie "5 Grace Jones". All kind of documents are stored in these folders. Once you get back a ways to your brick walls the name of the folder might be something like "254 William Caldwell & Margaret McCune & older". That's the highest ahnentafel folder #.
Sometimes there are subfolders within the direct gg grandparent in case there is much on particular children. example: e "16 Joseph Cox" with subfolders for his children where there is a great abundance of photos and documents.
There are also folders for some folks who are either not related or so distantly related but for whom I have dozens and dozens of images/docs- these are in the 1000 series like "1002 Yaeger" or "1932 Mabry". (There are only a dozen of them so it's not a cumbersome amount) Many of these 100s or 100s of images are not ATTACHED to Reunion but easily findable findable within the one folder.
Thank you Barb, SGilbert & Bob, lots of interesting ideas for photo storage. I would like to back them up with Dropbox or iCloud and ideas? Which is cheaper which is easier to set up? I am using Mojave. Thank you
You have 2 alternatives for backup. Your phone is backed up to iTunes. Your Mac, which includes iPhone backups, also backs up your pictures AND Dropbox folder. Both are very easy. Have you used Time Machine with an external HD?
I have set up a separate Google email just for my genealogy. I use a Family Search folder that I sync with Google Drive for this email account. Inside the folder, I have subfolders for my major surnames, and within each of those, I have subfolders for categories like Birth, Marriage, Death, Military, Photos, etc. with subfolders within those if I feel it is helpful. Of course I back-up with Time Machine, but with the sync to my Google Drive, it is an additional back-up AND it is easy to access these documents when I am away from my computer.
This fall I have started to clean up my digital filing system. All of my census images, since they usually include more than one family member, have been moved into a set of folders by location. Media specific to just one person is moved into that persons file.
But of course I have a number of photos with more than one person in the image. What is your technique for handling these files?
Usually there's a 'head person' in the photo—the one whose birthday/wedding it was, or the one whose house/garden they are in; so I put it there. Of course, you can add it to other people's Reunion page as well. But sometimes, if it's a good photo, I make a cropped copy for each person (using Pixelmator as it happens).
.........But of course I have a number of photos with more than one person in the image. What is your technique for handling these files?
I throw all photos into one single file. My naming method forgoes the need for sub-files. FamilyName_FirstName or the word Multi_YearTaken_Location.
Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT
The overall correct answer is "anywhere on your Mac"..... However, it is good practice and sanity saving to store all of them in one place. In my case, I store all of them in the Reunion Pictures folder within the Reunion Files folder. I do have some sub-folders in that Pictures folder. Hopefully, several members will respond with their advice and you' ll end up finding a method that works good for you.
So, are you moving/storing all images that you might use for genealogy in the Reunion Pictures folder or placing duplicate pictures of people in that folder if they will be used in Reunion?
I believe that I said this above but.... for clarity: I only store people headshots in the Reunion Pictures folder. There is exactly zero items in my Multimedia that are things other than headshots. (Note: When I say headshots, that does include group photos.)
In regard to your question about moving/storing and duplicates.... In the normal sense of saying an item is a duplicate, I would say a photo is a duplicate if I copied it out of my very large Photos library; I never link to Photos (If I use a Photos photo, I drag to Desktop which makes a duplicate copy with all EXIF info included, then that goes into the Reunion Pictures folder after I rename it [LastName_FirstName_Date of Photo].). In the broader sense, I have a ton of duplicates because I backup files manually regularly to a portable hard disk and an offsite server in addition to my Time Machine backup.
Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT
I, too, would like to know where to store the photos. Currently I have them on the desktop, but if I move them, does the software 'know' to where to find the photos. I use Dropbox for my file. There are too many photos on my desktop to my liking.
I, too, would like to know where to store the photos.
You can store your photos anywhere inside your users Home folder. Generally, we recommend storing them in:
Pictures/Reunion Pictures/
But that isn't required.
...if I move them, does the software 'know' to where to find the photos.
Reunion should keep track of them if you move them. If, for some reason, it doesn't, you should be able to have Reunion re-link them by going to:
Reunion -> Preferences... , Multimedia
Adding the folder they're in to the Multimedia Search Folders list, then clicking Repair Multimedia Links. So long as the filenames haven't changed, Reunion should be able to link up with them.