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Repetition of adoptee's family in Tree view

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    Repetition of adoptee's family in Tree view

    Evelyn married Lacey. They had a daughter, Judi. Evelyn and Lacey divorced and Evelyn married Bill. Bill adopted Judi.

    In Tree view, Judi shows up as daughter of both Evelyn and Lacey and of Evelyn and Bill. All well and good, but that was a long time ago and Judi is now a grandmother. She had two sons and one of them had two wives. All told, Judi's portion of the tree includes her spouse, two sons, (one of them twice, once with each wife), two daughters-in-law, and two grandchildren.

    This works well enough in Family view, but Tree view is cluttered. When the tree is opened to any of Evelyn's ancestors, Evelyn appears twice, once with each of her two husbands, and strung vertically below each of Evelyn's appearances are Judy and all her family. The two renditions of Judy's family are identical, so there's no need to show all that twice.

    Is there some way to show both of Evelyn's husbands and indicate Judy's relationships to her birth father and her adoptive father, but show Judy's family only once? In Tree view. And, incidentally, the birth vs adoptive relationships do not now appear in Tree view.
    John Varela

    Your first sentence, with substitution of my set of names, precisely describes me. I am the equivalent of Judi. I was adopted by the second husband when I was six years old.

    I consider number two as my father. But, in my family tree, I only have myself as the child of my biological father. After all, he and mom made me. I may be starting a discussion here but I think it logically incorrect to record anyone as having more than two parents. I operate a family tree on the premise that the basis is "who made whom" not "who raised whom".....

    Note: The Descendant chart shows multiple spouses then offspring.
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Given that, in law (at least in England), adoption breaks the tie with the former parents and creates new relationships with the adoptive parents, I cannot see that it is wrong to record the adoptive parents as (one set of) parents. Of course we are all free to operate our family trees on whatever basis we choose (ideally being consistent). Peronally I am with John on this one.


        I handle situations such as this by duplicating children, giving them their own coloured "child status". The original child stays attached to the biological parents, whilst the duplicate is attached where appropriate.
        Jan Powell
        in Wellington, New Zealand
        Apple/Mac since 1987, Reunion since 1993

