It would be nice to be able to list a Spouse as other than spouse. My genealogy reaches far back in time and I've found where ancestors are the result of NPE (non-parental events), i.e., an affair, or mistress for instance. I'm curious how other users handle these events.
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I'm not sure how much it helps, but clicking in the marriage box on the family view brings up a window with a drop down menu under marriage where you can click "unmarried" then you could add additional information and explanations in the memo box or more fully in the note.Bradley Jansen
OS 10.15.2 on a MacBook Pro using Reunion 12 and ReunionTouch 1.0.9
One thing to note is that when Reunion uses the term "spouse", it isn't really intended to imply marriage. E.g., the "Add Spouse" button can be used to add anyone that the individual had a relationship with - whether or not they were married. As B Jansen notes, if the individuals were not married (affair, mistress, etc.), you should set the "Unmarried" option in the Marriage tab of the Edit Family screen to indicate such.
HTHMark Harrison
Leister Productions, Inc.