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Slow performance with mac OS Catalina Version 10.15

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    Slow performance with mac OS Catalina Version 10.15

    I have been using Reunion 12.0, build 190924 with the regular (not beta) release of mac OS Catalina for about two days. I experience significant delays when migrating between views or between for example event records in the Events view while entering data. I encounter similar delays when moving between fields in a source record while entering data. For example, if I select a field in a Source panel, there is a delay before the data are highlighted as selected. Typically, delays are 1–2 seconds in duration and certainly not typical of Reunion performance under the last version of mac OS Mojave.

    After a couple days of experience, I am getting the impression that these delays occur when the application interacts with its database, i.e., for reads or writes.

    I am wondering whether other users are experiencing the same delays? At this point, I am not certain whether I should be focusing on the Reunion application or on some configuration aspect of the new OS. Thus, it would helpful to know whether others see similar delays in Reunion.

    I am running Reunion on a Mac mini (Late 2014) with 3 GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 processor and 15 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3 memory. Reunion has access to a substantial amount of disk storage.

    Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

    Hi Bill,

    I'm curious to know where your family file is located on your Mac -- specifically, I'm wondering if during the upgrade iCloud may have been enabled for "Desktop & Documents Folders", resulting in your family file being moved into iCloud. The type of delays you're seeing sound very similar to what we've sometimes seen when Reunion family files are stored in iCloud.

    One way to check this is to open the family file in Reunion 12 and go to:

    File -> Get Info...

    And look at the "File Location". Let us know what you see there and we should be able to determine if the file is in iCloud.

    Mark Harrison
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Bill and Mark,
      I am experiencing issues and was wondering whether or not it was my system or the application. I can change information in a person's file and merge people as quickly as before my own upgrade to macOS Catalina 10.15.2 on my MacBook Air (2013). However, opening a source or a simple change of any sort (eg. reorder of images attached to the source) to that source pegs my CPU and takes much longer to complete than before. My files for the Reunion database, assorted source materials, etc. are stored in Dropbox and are synced to my laptop. This has always been the case and I have not experienced such slow response times before. I access the files from my laptop and my phone and this has always seemed to be the best way to keep both in sync.

      Is there a way to defrag a Reunion database?, perhaps that would help?

      Thanks in advance for any/all assistance,
      Fawn G


        The only file(s) that need to be in the Dropbox folder is the family file. All others can remain in your Reunion folder in Applications.
        Regarding 'defrag' (your Windoze memory is popping out); you might want to try: File-->Rebuild Cache Files.
        rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


          I recently had cause to migrate to Catalina - being that the MacBook Pro 16" I got to replace my 4-year-old MacBook Pro 2015 doesn’t run anything else.

          Overall, it appears that all windowing events in Catalina are slower. Even though the new MacBook Pro should be slightly faster, it certainly doesn’t feel it. At. All. This is not only with Reunion (where animations eem to ooze onto the screen) but in all other applications as well.

          Catalina just seems unfinished and poorly optimized. So, nothing I can pin on Reunion in that repsect...
          Eric Van Beest
          Spring, TX

          Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk


            I agree, Eric. I am experiencing the same thing.


              The first thing I would check, if I were you, is whether you are running the most recent version of Catalina which is 10.15.3. I am and thankfully I'm not experiencing the problems you described.
              John McGee Leggett, Jr.
              Late 2014 MacMini, MacOS Mojave 10.14.3, Reunion 12, Safari 12.0.3
              Leggett Booth McGee King Coulter Morton Ashley Douglas Ranard Maners


                Originally posted by eric.vanbeest View Post
                I recently had cause to migrate to Catalina - being that the MacBook Pro 16" I got to replace my 4-year-old MacBook Pro 2015 doesn’t run anything else.

                Overall, it appears that all windowing events in Catalina are slower. Even though the new MacBook Pro should be slightly faster, it certainly doesn’t feel it. At. All. This is not only with Reunion (where animations eem to ooze onto the screen) but in all other applications as well.

                Catalina just seems unfinished and poorly optimized. So, nothing I can pin on Reunion in that repsect...
                I am experiencing the same thing. Perhaps we should be reporting this on the Apple website rather than Reunion?
                Kevan Yuck, RU~13.0 (Build: 210616) 64-bit, macOS 11.4
                Search - Hebner, Hein(s), Keuhl, Wilke, Juch, Yuch, Yuck, Yuke


                  I just went through all the repair steps with Apple regarding my slow iMac and all is well now. Call them. It's a Catalina issue.


                    1. Look at Mark's suggestion about Files & Folders above. I have had to rescue several users, including me, who answered an innocuous question during final setup of the Catalina upgrade. If that happened, one will be totally at the mercy of their Internet connection speed. And that will always be much slower than internal machine speeds.

                    2. With the exception of John and Eric, you haven't stated what Mac you are running. John is running a 6 year old mini and I would completely expect a 64 bit OS to run slower than a 32 bit OS. My educated guess is that the internal clock speeds required by the 64 bit OS just are not designed into that old of a machine.

                    3. Have any of you run either First Aid on the Disk Utility (or if you have a copy.... TechTool or Disk Warrior) to make sure there are no obvious problems with your Mac?

                    Personally, when I upgraded from Mojave to Catalina, I didn't notice any difference in performance of many apps -- including Reunion.
                    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                      SGilbert, I started with keypunch cards an have used all kinds of machines over the lingo is fragged... I did rebuild cache. After and until this morning I wasn't experiencing any more issues. One of my sources seems to be a sticking point (as in round and round and "unresponsive" for 5-10 minutes at a time). I was using it yesterday with no issue and I'm working on that issue today. It has a lot of attached media, but so do some of my other sources. I believe the max is 400 and I don't have that many on any.

                      My MacBook Air is a 2013, as I noted earlier, and a 64 bit. I didn't have an update available this morning, but now see the notification to update to 10.15.3 from the 10.15.2 that I've had.

                      I keep my files in Dropbox as back up and for use by multiple devices for what I'm working on as I a laptop, an iPad and an iPhone for my genealogy research. My Time Machine also went the way of the Dodo over a year ago, so...

                      I haven't used Disk Utility for anything lately, so I will pursue that variable after I complete the update if I still have issues. Thanks for the suggestion!


                        Bob White iCloud Drive works the same as Dropbox — there's a local copy on your Mac, and changes are synced to & from the cloud — so it shouldn't be any slower.
                        Surnames Dresch, Eyden, Lunn, Mountfort, Page, Robinson, Ryan, Whitworth, and more.

