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Access to Note field

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    Access to Note field

    I was wondering how to add a Note field, and not being in one at the time I could not see the + symbol, but that's sorted now! In looking it up in the Help file I realised that I'd long been vexed by the lack of a feature that may well have been in Reunion from day 1, but I cannot find.

    I have huge numbers of free text notes and the only way I found to access them was to click on the person and then choose notes in the top bar.

    As you can see from my screen grab my page presents differently to the sample in the help file.

    How can I make my file conformant?

    Cheers, Colin

    Screenshot 2019-12-03 at 16.11.24.png

    Not sure if this is exactly what you are asking... the difference that I see is Notes is present on the sample but not on yours.

    Go to Preferences and choose Couple. Further down, select Inside the Couple Buttons then click on Add Field. One of the choices is Notes and that has a flyout for further choices. Most likely, you want Misc. Notes.

    Please note that while you are in this particular screen, you can rearrange the displayed fields simply by dragging them up or down.
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Based on your screen shots, it looks like the "Couple" area of the family view in your family file is smaller than the one shown in the manual. Therefore, I have two suggestions:

      * Make the Children area of the family view smaller (which will, in turn, make the Couple area larger). This can be done by putting your cursor to the right or left of the "+ Children" button and clicking/dragging down.

      Additional information about this process can be found in the manual by searching for "resize children area." Click on the only search result: "Showing More or Less Children, Children."

      Note: as a result of making the "Couple" area larger, the "Children" area will be made smaller, unless you are able to make the entire Reunion window larger.

      * The second option is to make the entire Reunion window larger. (Information about how to make the entire Reunion window larger can be found by searching the manual for "resizing reunion window family view.")

      I hope you find these suggestions helpful
      Deb Stuller
      Leister Productions Inc.


        Thank you both, sorry for the delay, but my Reunion Talk prefs must have got changed as I got no email notification and assumed there was no reply ...

        The solution was as simple as Deb suggested, I'd simply never done a mouse-over on that bit of the window to see it was adjustable. I'll just have to move it about when I get to any of the couples with more than a dozen offspring [even on a 27" iMac!].

        Thanks again

