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Catalina update and Reunion 12

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    Catalina update and Reunion 12

    Are the issues with the Catalina update and Reunion 12 ironed out? I saw some posts where Reunion was running very slow and not sure if I should update either.

    I am running Reunion 12 using Catalina and have no problems. In fact I have not had any problems of slowness when running Reunion.


      Several users posted here that they were running slower. I think they were an exception. Leister staff fixed several minor bugs in the weeks after Catalina was released. By and large, this has been a mostly trouble free update. Kudos to Leister staff!
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        no problems here either



          I upgraded from a 4-year old MacBook Pro (the one without the butterfly keyboard), which was running Mojave, to a new 16" MacBook running Catalina. I have noticed no speed increase overall. While I perceive that Reunion is faster with whatever it does, it gets slowed down by the window animations which I find overall slower in Catalina...
          Eric Van Beest
          Spring, TX

          Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk


            I upgraded to Catalina then upgraded to Reunion 12 and so far have not run into any issued. That you all for your responses. It certainly eased my mind.

