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Searching for no day of birth

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    Searching for no day of birth

    I have a stack of people I added and whose birth _year_ I added based on their age given on the marriage certificate, but now I want to find them (again) and complete their date of birth based on the birth certificate. All I know is that the cited source contains 'Marriage' in the _title_ (only) and that they will not have a _day_ of birth. They may have a _month_ of birth if I have been able to base this on the death date and calculating back, but in all certainty they will not have a reference to the day of birth.

    If I search for Birth > Day of Birth equals (empty) or equals 0 then Reunion returns nothing found. How to find people with no Day of birth?
    (The alternative I am using right now which is a bit dumb is find all people with a birth year; mark only those; find marked people with a Day of Birth > 0; unmake those - whatever is left is people with no Day of Birth…)
    Eric Van Beest
    Spring, TX

    Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk

    Go to Find>Birth Date>is and leave the next box empty. Press Find and there you go!
    Kevan Yuck, RU~13.0 (Build: 210616) 64-bit, macOS 11.4
    Search - Hebner, Hein(s), Keuhl, Wilke, Juch, Yuch, Yuck, Yuke


      Errrmm... no... This only finds people who have no birth date information at all. I am looking for the people who already have a birth _year_, but no birth _day_ (of the month)...
      Eric Van Beest
      Spring, TX

      Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk


        If I understand your question correct, you are looking for incomplete dates: a birth month is known or only a birth year ? ?
        It is in Reunion, but a little hidden. (* perhaps something for 'wishlist' to make this easier accessible ?)
        List -> Events -> Go to List Options (Gearwheel at bottom)
        Select your setting: kind of event, marked or unmarked, with or without place to filter the list
        With the popmenu after the word AND, you can choose for several options, one of them is 'With partial dates'
        Might be you are looking for this ? ?

        Frans van Bodegom
        Dutch Reunion User Group
        Last edited by fjvanbodegom; 24 March 2020, 03:23 AM. Reason: Added * Perhaps ....
        Frans van Bodegom
        Reunion NL Support Team


          Thanks Frans - that gets me a little closer to what I want to achieve. Essentially, it means that Reunion can search for such incomplete dates internally, but this functionality is not exposed in the Find function.
          Eric Van Beest
          Spring, TX

          Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk

