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Unable to locate Reunion File 12 family tree file

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    Unable to locate Reunion File 12 family tree file

    Hello, I upgraded to Reunion 12 recently, and have only now thought of looking for the location of my family tree file. I could not locate it at the default location: UserName/Documents/Reunion or ~/Documents/Reunion Files/ . The only things I see are two folders: Charts & Reports, and Sample Family 11 file.

    It's odd because when I go to Reunion 12 preferences, the Family Files Reunion's default as ~/Documents/Reunion Files/ . Also, if I type "family tree" in Spotlight search, I am able to see it, and when I double click it, it opens Reunion 12, and my family tree is loaded.

    How can I see where the location of that file is?

    Thank you.

    Use the Finder. Highlight Macintosh HD in Favorites (or whatever you have named your data storage device) - enter familyfile in the search box - you should see files with the familyfile12 extension + familydata + signature. Then highlight your target familyfile12 - right click for a context menu - select Show in Enclosing Folder.

    Dave Walton
    Tree - Walton, Haggerston, Chambers, Munro, Haught, Schlager, Scannell...
    iMac M1, Macbook Air M2, MacOS Ventura 13.2, Reunion 13


      Originally posted by sweejin View Post
      Also, if I type "family tree" in Spotlight search, I am able to see it, and when I double click it, it opens Reunion 12, and my family tree is loaded.
      If you're able to open the file in Reunion, there are two easy ways to find the file's location from within Reunion:

      1. Select "Get Info..." from Reunion's File menu. One of the items in the resulting window is the File Location of the current family file.

      2. The middle of the titlebar of Reunion's main window shows the current file's filename. If you command-click on the filename, you will see a pop-up menu that shows you the hierarchy of folders that contain the file, in reverse order. If you select a folder from the pop-up menu, it will open in the Finder.
      Brad Mohr


        Originally posted by sweejin View Post
        Hello, I upgraded to Reunion 12 recently, and have only now thought of looking for the location of my family tree file. I could not locate it at the default location: UserName/Documents/Reunion or ~/Documents/Reunion Files/ .......How can I see where the location of that file is?

        Thank you.
        The default location of the "local" family file is now your Dropbox folder. Location is Users > YourName > Dropbox. The copy on the Dropbox server mirrors this file.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Originally posted by Bob White View Post

          The default location of the "local" family file is now your Dropbox folder. Location is Users > YourName > Dropbox. The copy on the Dropbox server mirrors this file.
          Oh..... now I see it in my Dropbox folder. I wonder why then in Reunion preferences, the default folder location doesn't update it to Users > YourName > Dropbox. I can't find this information in the Reunion website as well. Anyway, thank you for your help.

          And also thank you to David Walton and bmohr, your suggestions worked too, I was able to locate the file with your steps.


            Originally posted by sweejin View Post
            ...I wonder why then in Reunion preferences, the default folder location doesn't update it to Users > YourName > Dropbox...
            This is a change you need to make within Reunion 12. It can be done by choosing Reunion -> Preferences and selecting Folders. Then, in the left column, select Family Files. Afterward, on the right side, click the "Choose Other Folder..." button. In the selection window that opens, click on Dropbox in the far left column (if you see it there) or use that window to navigate through your folders until you get to your Dropbox folder. After selecting your Dropbox folder, click Select in the lower-right corner of the selection window.

            I hope you find this information helpful

            Deb Stuller
            Leister Productions Inc.


              Hello, I am trying to get my family file into Dropbox. I use it for some other apps and it works fine. But when I do the above - Preferences>SelectingFolders>Family Files>Choose Other Folder and then choose Dropbox, it still won't show up there. Do I have to move it manually? When I open Reunion 12 and look at the file location, it says:

              File Location /Users/cariferraro/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Family Genealogy/Reunion App/Reunion Files/My Family File.familyfile12

              I can't think how it got there; I thought it was in my Documents folder, but maybe I was trying to get it to work with iCloud Drive until I realized it would only work with Dropbox?

              I haven't installed Reunion Touch yet but would like to install Reunion 12 on my other MacBook and use Dropbox to sync.

              Any advice for me before I do any further damage, if I did?

              Cari Ferraro


                Just move it manually. Since you put it in iCloud, you may need to download it to your desktop first. Then drag from the desktop into Users > cariferraro > Dropbox. Do not put it in a folder within the Dropbox folder. Restart Reunion. It should show the correct location. Give it a few minutes to finish syncing to the Dropbox server then verify it is there. Once everything is working OK, go back to iCloud and delete the iCloud copy using their Select > Delete routine. Finally, install Reunion Touch.
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Thanks, Bob. That all went smoothly. I'll go forward now with Touch and installing Reunion on my new MacBook. My thinking was that I should put the file in the same folder as all the documentation (birth, marriage and death certificates, census forms, etc. - I think this is all call Multimedia files?). At some point in my Mac history that was a way to make sure a file could find its linked supplemental images, etc. One of my page layout programs, I think.

                  Thank you for your reply!


                    Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                    Do not put it in a folder within the Dropbox folder.
                    Why not put it in a folder? I have several family files in a folder called "Reunion 12" in my DropBox - works just fine.

                    Maybe someone also wants to include the images in the same folder as the family file to keep everything together.

                    Roger Moffat


                      Originally posted by theKiwi View Post

                      Why not put it in a folder? I have several family files in a folder called "Reunion 12" in my DropBox - works just fine.

                      Maybe someone also wants to include the images in the same folder as the family file to keep everything together.

                      Actually, Roger, I believe you have updated me. Several years ago, when Reunion first started using Dropbox. as I recall, some funky things were happening with regard to syncing if the family file was put into a sub-folder. Guess that all got fixed and I didn't notice. Anyway, thank you.
                      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT

